Some Landscape pictures from the Austrian - Slovakian Border

This summer I visited the "Marchfeld" and the "Thayatal" together with Stefan for some wildlife photography. Our Main purpose was to take several pictures of Birds, especially "Birds of Prey" there and we were lucky to find a several Red Kites, Falcons and even the white-tailed eagle there. Also, several other birds can be found there, and it is a paradise for bird photographers and ornithologists. But also the Landscape there has a lot to offer, and I want to show you some pictures of the nice Landscape that is still very pristine.

Camera used Nikon D5100
Lens used Nikor 18-105mm lens
Filter used none
Exposure Time 1/100 Seconds
Aperture used F11
Focal Length 18 mm
Time 1:02 pm
ISO 100
If possible I would like to visit this part of Austria this Year once again for some wildlife and bird Photography. We'll see if the regulations allow it, but I am positive to maybe visit this beautiful part of Austria in summer or autumn. But since I started working at a new company my holiday may not be possible this soon. Two things have to play together this year.





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