Paseo De Las Animas - Mexico

Last night we attended the Paseo De Las Animas (The Passing of the Souls) in the City of Merida, in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.


Each year the City hosts a week long celebration called the Festival De Las Animes which Leads up to Hanal Pixan, which is the Mayan equivalent of the world famous Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) held across Mexico during the Halloween period.


Hanal Pixan, like Dia De Los Muertos, is a Celebration of the life of loved ones that have passed.

There are many different activities that take place during this period between November 22 & October 2, all with their own customs and unique forms of Celebration.


The Paseo De Las Animas is a Parade, which starts in the Cementario General and proceeds for 2km until it reaches the end point of San Juan Park.

Participants in the Parade dress in traditional Mayan clothing and paint their faces to resemble Skeletons, whilst carrying candles, collectively signifying the Souls Traveling to be with the living during this time of remembrance and celebration.


Once the procession of approximately 500 participants has passed by. The crowd of upwards of 40,000 people is then allowed to follow behind to walk the route with them.


It is very crowded, but there is such a great community spirit that it at no time felt uncomfortable, although it did get very warm.


I'm looking forward to discovering what more Merida and Hanal Pixan display over the coming days... and then we will be leaving the Yucatan to see how the rest of Mexico Celebrates their Dia De Los Muertos 😊

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