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Travelling For Healing.How Far will I Go?

Lying in reflections
Moonlight hits your skin
Safe in conversation
You question where I've been.

Reducing anxiety,enhancing creativity and cognitive flexibility is just the least of the advantages of moving around earth can help you get through the days .I cannot live my life on a computer so i’d rather live it outside and communicate with what almost feels real.

Light will catch your skin,Love will catch your Heart and Waves will be heard in your ears. This is automatic self protection from worldy problems that we might be facing.This saves us when we sink just like airbags in my limbs.

Building Resilience and coping skills*

I want to be outside more often in this year of 2024 to escape everything them four walls had taught me.
Made habits bury deep,telling myself i know a lot but not enough to keep me past the streets.
My life is a plot,twisted from directions i can’t see.
I stand outside,laughing with my friends,they might not know my life but the Universe does so it’s always the best way to connect.

Early morning wake ups, practing it on my day offs**.
Accumulated 10X over throughout the years.My new found life made all of me magnified.
How many accolades do i need to block denial?,with travel first thing in the morning you shape your life better with knowledge of being conceited.

rebuild life with travel

Its a beautiful day,thats my mantra always.
The fynbos are thriving,casting a delicate shade over the mountains that meld with the soft green of the sage brush.

Here it smells like fresh mint and sweet florals.Its distinct,a scent that always brings me home to myself,reminding me of who i am.
I haven’t always considered myself a happy person,in fact I’d say since my teens I struggled with constant ups and downs.
I didn’t realize that as i grew matured things would get better,i thought i wasn’t capable of finding balance and peace.
There was a reason for feeling this way and as an adult i saw healers,doctors and got help for my body and mind.But i realized that once you finally heal the wounds of your foundation,you need to rebuild.
That was the hard part.

I know I’ve said this before,that u have never found a magic solution to feeling unhappy at times, no matter where you go it follows you.
It followed me here.
This made me consider that maybe occasional melancholy is nothing to fear.In fact it has a way of opening your soul,a rawness that can remind you of your beautiful ability to feel,and how ALIVE you truly are.

The first thing i had to accept about my life is that it will never be a consistent string of joyous, blissful days. There will always be difficult times,though travel is a support if we seek the help we need.

We are living memorials to what we have lost.LOVED ONES,pets and our past selves.But i suppose it is our choice to let the past strengthen or oppress us.
Travel and not stay in the past.
Guiding yourself into a place of quite and contentment.
Enjoy the journey,travel is a seed of happiness and the root is to be spread out to the world

Wishing you a day full of beauty,peace and Love
@nickydee #lifestyle #travel

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