Visiting China National Botanical Garden: Deeper into the Nature




Greetings my dear Hive fellows.
Welcome to my new travel story to the Chinese National Botanical Garden in Beijing.

Beijing has an enormous city area with a vast area covered with mountains, forests, and lakes as a perfect nature-oriented living area. I have been visiting many places for my last 4 years; though I was in lockdown for more than two years and semi-lockdown for around 3 years; when I get time to explore. And most of the places here are really very beautiful as they are being properly taken care of with their huge manpower in every sector. I had a long-awaited plan to visit the Botanical Garden in Beijing but the timing with the best period, my study works, and scopes didn't work last week, I visited the Botanical Garden for the first time and I think I have to go there once more or several time for exploring some seasons with different beauty such as the autumn, early spring for enjoying the different landscape and natural views with different colors.

The botanical garden in Beijing is known or termed as the National Botanical Garden which covers a huge area in the mountain forest located in the far north-western area which is complete opposite direction in the northern region. The problem is I need to get to the city area to get the direct buses but there is a special subway that is so flexible for visiting the Botanical Garden. The shuttle has also stoppages in several scenic spots such as the summer palace. Fragrant Hills and some others as this shuttle is for tourism purposes in my opinion. From the city center, it takes around 1 hour but for me, I need another hour to reach the city area to get the shuttle.







This is the longest stream that has come from so far and at the end there are much more water than I observed in the track in the American zone.




I had bought a ticket earlier to save time there but there was no crowd at the gate during the holiday because the location is a little bit far from the city, the summer season is too hot for people to visit the place during the day time when the sun is too strong to make you very tired. But it was so smooth to buy from the counter as I have seen no on there in any queue. Also, the entry ticket was also very cheap, it was 5 RMB for entry to the botanical garden. Another 5 RMB ticket is needed to enter into a temple on which I will write another blog in the future. Today, I want to stay with the botanical garden area only.





These mountains seem to be the protector of the garden and the landscape views are so stunning with these mountains.




After getting into the garden, I saw the complete map of the garden and found the routes also on the local map here which I use all the time, I was amazed that every inside road was accurately mentioned in the online map which I didn’t think though there are many tourist spots where you can find some virtual; tour guide to explore everything and every detail of the spot. But the botanical garden is not something like those places such as the National Museum, Forbidden Kingdom, Summer Palace, and other historical places.

The entry area was a little bit crowded as many people were coming back and many were just entering. I entered the garden around 1:30 as my living place is quite far from here and I had the plan to enjoy the afternoon there.








There were several routes to make around the whole garden and I chose a relatively right-side track and also made a plan to explore half of the right side of the park, I saw many sections such as the tulip zone, peony area, rose garden, American zone, and many more which are really unknown or I am not so interested in that classification.

The whole area is just in the lap of some mountains surrounding it and some of those mountains have another scenic area known as ‘Fragrant Hills’ and I have listed it in my future exploration list. I hope I will get more mountain hiking environments and opportunities there.







The tracts are very comfortable and just like the panoramic feelings like ups and downs to walking this way. The strong sun becomes very soft in most of these pathways due to so many large trees. Some pathways are so beautiful and comfortable that you will love to see the far mountains from there and enjoy the cool environment there in this hot summer.

Also, I have seen so many families taking rest as they brought their mats to enjoy their holiday inside nature and enjoy the fresh air. The right side was much cool and calm as people were enjoying nature in the lap of it.







I found the busy area in the American sections where the tall trees were just to replicate some North American vibe which is the most crowded area and it is the narrow area that will take you to the end of the area to the water source of the stream in the section. Also, this is the longest track in the whole garden area to cover.

As the American section is in the left section so, I needed to cover it by the left side tract where many wooden bridges are built for tracking and easier walking on by the side of the stream. I have seen many people walking by this tract and I think it is the most popular track here.






I saw many tourists taking the peeping sun in these tall trees which make the afternoon view a greater one than any location of the garden. After I finished the track I started my return through the middle of the garden to explore the unseen part.







I saw the greenhouse area which is now under construction as it is summer now and the winter season is the best time to explore the area. I have also seen the peony area and some other plants area but due to the late summer, those trees and plants had no flowers.






The whole park has enough restrooms and you can find no one in most of them due to so many of them than the number of tourists. Also, there are so many resting places for taking a break and shops for some snacks and water or drinks to serve the tourists. But as usual, the prices are higher so I always use my own drinks, and some chocolates with me to get instant energy.







The post going longer, so I am ending here for today, I hope you like my article please do upvote, and share is always welcome!

I hope you like my photos. It was amazing to have such a fantastic place like this, with the discovery of natural beauty, to enjoy my study life! If you have any queries, let me know in the comments, and I will try my best to answer them.

Thanks a lot for your time and attention. I will catch up with you at the next one.
Wish you a great day!


MD AL MAHADI HASAN Welcome to Mahadi's small corner in the Hive Community from Bangladesh. He is a Ph.D. student who is working at a research Institute in China. He has visited many destinations near Beijing, climbed up the Great Wall and mountains, tried new and exotic dishes here, tried skiing and many other events, and explored his country and wants to explore the rest of the world in the future. As a crypto enthusiast, he has the hobby of learning about Blockchains, Cryptos, and their fascinating applications in the real world. He loves learning new things and tries to enjoy his life to the full. If you like his content, don't forget to upvote and leave a comment to show some love for him as a learner in the blogging sphere. You can also reblog his post if you want to. Also, don't forget to follow him to be updated on his latest posts about his life and thoughts on a regular basis, including daily life and some Blockchain games such as Splinterlands.

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