Beihai Park: Heaven of natural beauty in the center of Beijing!


Hello, dear fellows in the Hive Universe!
I hope you all having great days. Today I am going to write about my recent visit to the best city park in Beijing city known as the 'Beihai Park' during my recent holidays of Golden Week! This park is located close to the Forbidden Kingdom which is the top site among all the sites. If you visit the Forbidden Kingdom, then after visiting, the Beihai Park is a must-visit spot as it remains open till 9 pm in the peak seasons and the Forbidden Kingdom closes in the afternoon. I will take you thoroughly to the amazing natural beauties of this place.

The exact location of Beihai Park is on the west side of the Forbidden City which is also also known as Northern Sea Park. It is one of the best and oldest with the best-preserved ancient imperial gardens in the center of Beijing. This ancient garden has not only a history of over 1,000 years but also a perfect integration of magnificent imperial palaces and many ancient religious constructions, especially the Buddhist temples. There are plenty of transportation such as the buses, subways and even taxis is okay to go there as the place is not so far from the city centre, actually situated in the center of the city.









If I want tell about the brief history and the story about this historical place then i have come to know from the internet and my colleagues that a conventional Chinese mythology is supposed to have inspired the construction of this beautiful Beihai Park. According to the story, three magical mountains known as Penglai, Yingzhou, and Fangzhang were originally situated in eastern China where were gods who had a special herbal remedy that could make people immortal. As a result, numerous emperors in China's feudal era were always looking for those mountains. In order to live an immortal life, for instance, Emperor Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221–206 B.C. ), despatched people in search of the magic mountains, but they were unsuccessful. Then, to replicate the circumstances in the mythology, he constructed a sizable pool at his castle and built three earthen hills in it. And this Beihai Park is the result of that event.

Whatever the history is the beauty and the magnificent arrangement of the constructions here will definitely attract all with a praiseworthy sense of nature-loving tendency everywhere in the area. The entry will make you forget that you are inside one of the busiest cities in the world with flashing green everywhere. Though my visit was on the verge of winter but still there were many flowers still and greenish surroundings everywhere I saw.

After I entered the park, I was just amazed by a different world and a big lake in front of me, suddenly I was confused to remember about the summer palace where the same big lake and the surrounding way to visit many constructions. Here is the same but the difference is in the religious construction which is more gorgeous than the living places in the summer palace.













The first construction area I visited the area similar to the peaceful heart section where most of the buildings and constructions were for living purposes and still many usable things can be seen there through the glass windows.

The attractive building structures with colorful paintings in every part of the construction attracted me a lot. Wherever you see you will be amazed at the beauty of the structures and their painting as a play of color combination everywhere though the abundance of red and yellow can distract you you can observe beauty if you love them.

Also, the surrounding natural beauty is undoubtedly astonishing and can attract all to spend some time their without any hesitation. I can feel how the emperors were interested in living and spending time in such cool places.



















The second section that I want to take you to this beautiful place is the 9 Dragon screen which is a massive construction with dragons it is not possible for me to capture the whole scripture in a single frame, so I have taken multiple figures of it. Another interesting thing is that some 3D appearances of dragons are really amazing to observe, Though these are not thousands of years old old enough to think about them to realize how the ancient Chinese culture were so enriched!

Among the three most famous Nine-Dragon Screens in China, the well-known Nine-Dragon Screen is placed here with nine enormous dragons on both sides the other one I have seen in the forbidden kingdom and the third one is located in Datong, Shaanxi Province, where I have never gone but a historical city of China with the Terracotta Army.

It is made up of 424 glazed tiles in seven different colors that emboss the screen. A startling total of 635 dragons are present, including nine enormous coiling dragons on each side of the screen, little or large dragons in various poses, and dragons at the two ends and in the eaves. The Nine-Dragon Screen, which depicts the great techniques of ancient Chinese arts and crafts, is still vivid in color and complete in look even after 200 years.










After the visit to the dragon screens, I took a rest and had a walk around the lake to enjoy the beauty and still, there are many more parts to cover later in the afternoon that day.

If I talk about sanitation and cleanliness then undoubtedly the place is as usual like other places, neat and clean from every perspective, and there are several food shops and restaurants. But I didn't visit those places as I took some snacks and nut milk and water with me to avoid these expensive restaurants. May be price will be a little bit more than the normal ones I guess.

I have walked through the east line roads till the end and I discover that this road will not lead me to the end of the opposite side so I have to move backward to explore the whole area again. But I have seen every corner of the place and beauty is in abundance here.












I want to make a break from the tour to Beihai Park, I want to share the next part in my next post soon where I will share the amazing beauty of the extreme happiness part and the Jade Island where the Yongan temple is situated that needs a separate ticket to enter.

I hope you like my visit to such an amazing place on my recent holiday. It was amazing to have such tours to an amazing place like this with the beauty of nature and the beautiful scenery and paintings to enjoy! If you have any queries, let me know in the comments, and I will try my best to answer them.

Thanks a lot for your time and attention, I will catch you at the next one.
Wish you a great day!

MD AL MAHADI HASAN Welcome to Mahadi's small corner in Hive Community from Bangladesh. He is a Ph.D. student who is working at a research Institute in China. He has visited many destinations near Beijing, climbs up the great wall and mountains, tries new and exotic dishes here, tried skiing and many other events, and explored his country and want to explore the rest of the world in the future. As a crypto enthusiast, he has the hobby to learn about Blockchains, Cryptos, and their fascinating applications in the real world. He loves learning new things and tries to enjoy his life to the full. If you like his content, don't forget to upvote and leave a comment to show some love for him as a learner in the blogging sphere. You can also reblog his post if you want to. Also, don't forget to follow him to be updated with his latest posts about his life and thoughts on a regular basis including daily life and some Blockchain games such as Splinterlands.

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