Rooftop Stroll: Flexing this Wonderful Rooftop in Tabogon, Cebu, Philippines

They say that “you only live once, so enjoy yourself to the fullest,” and I did.

Whazzzzup mga ka hivers! How are you all? Feeling good? Really ? That’s great. I’m here again for another blog and chika of mine. Are you ready to dive into my another “laag Serye”? Say yes, please. Anyway, in this blog, I want to share with you my experience while strolling on the wonderful rooftop that was located in the Tabogon public market that was near our school. Are you excited? Sameeeeeee, ok, so let’s start?

Every time there’s a beautiful and free place, I don’t miss the chance to explore it, especially if that place is near me. But I don’t go alone; even though I'm already a grown woman right now, I don’t go to famous places all by myself. Yeah, I enjoy being alone, but dude, when it comes to a place that is unfamiliar, I really need a companion.

Our class is done, and it was time for us to go home when I and Dina planned to go to the market to buy some groceries since I don’t have anything to consume this week. While we were chitchatting (referring to Dina and me), we then passed by our classmate; he then asked us where we were going, and we said to the minimart. He then U-turns his motorcycle and comes with us.

After buying groceries, Dina then asked me if I needed anything, and I said I needed to buy some eggs on the market. She then nodded at me. Since our classmate is with us, he then offers us a ride. Of course we then ride onto his motorcycle without any hesitation.

Minutes later, we arrived at the market. I asked my friend Dina if she has anything to buy in the market, but she said no. I just told them to wait for me in the parking area, and then they agreed.

After buying eggs, I immediately went to the parking area. My friend said that we will be going to the rooftop since we have never been there before; of course, who am I to decline? Carrying things that we bought, we then climb to the stairs.


On the first floor, there are also lots of vendors selling different things, just like school supplies, clothes, footwear, and such. Actually, I've been here sometimes to buy some stuff, especially school supplies that were our requirements for our subject teacher. In this area, you've always been called "ma'am/sir." Well, as a seller, you should have a pleasing personality to attract customers; furthermore, it's your job to cater to their needs; that's why you should have the persuasive skills.


After 2 minutes of climbing, we arrived at the rooftop. It was my first time there, and of course I was really amazed by the place. So sad, because that time it’s not windy. I think it was more beautiful if you felt the cold breeze of the wind.


This was the view of the stairs; it was very safe because they also have railings, so if you want to hold in there while climbing the stairs, then you can.


This was also the view of the rooftop, beautiful, right? It’s so huge; this place is so perfect for sunset viewing. I’m a little bit sad because that time I couldn't witness how the sun set and rested in its perfect place.

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And of course taking a picture wasn't a bit of an exception, so I asked Dina to take a photo of me; she then told me to go to the area where the heat of the sun is visible to add an aesthetic vibe to the picture. Of course, who am I to say no? Yeah, it’s hot, but I don't mind because I really want to have aesthetic pictures.




I was doing a tumbling that time but my photographer took a photo of me -_-

Plot twist? I don’t know, but there are lots of epic photos of me rather than the aesthetic one, so sad, but I really laughed so hard when I reviewed her shots; it was indeed epic.

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Because of the heat of the sun, I took pictures of my shadow. I somewhat like it, even though it’s not that good.


By the way, these two are my companions, Dina and Jeff. While I was busy capturing the beauty of the place, Dina and Jeff also had their photo shot; Jeff was Dina’s subject. She's good at taking photos; that's why she’s our photographer at that time.

Take me home I'm fallen

Look at this beautiful scenery; isn’t it beautiful? Plus the tower that adds an aesthetic vibe to the view because of its color—simple but clean.


As I was busy looking at the view, I saw this big tree; for sure, this tree was old.


I really enjoyed the place. I told them to go to the other side of the rooftop, and then they agreed. There was also a comfort room there, I think for boys, because it was not that close compared to the other side of the rooftop where the other comfort room is located.


We also saw this big tree; I think it was dead already, but look at its form; it's so aesthetic. The tree was indeed strong; imagine many Strom passing in our place, but look at it, standing aesthetically.



Oh, before I forget, this is what you see when you’re at the rooftop; you can really see the stores and some consumers passing by. You can also see here the Tabogon Complex, where if we have a big event, it was held there.

After an hour of strolling, we decided to go down and go home because I felt my stomach growling.


Dina and Jeff went down first. I can really tell that we all enjoyed our stroll at the rooftop because aside from making our minds at ease due to the beautiful and fantastic view, it also made us think to sour higher because everything is beautiful if we’re at the top, but you should not step others just to be at the top; what I mean was strive harder in order for you to achieve all your goals and dreams in life.

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That's all for my blog; once again, this is Swtzyserrah—your proud provincial girl.

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