Visit And Enjoying The Beautiful Places Of Abbottabad || 20.12.2021


Hi all members. I hope that you are all fine and good and doing a great job on #hiveblog.


So in front of you, today is the most beautiful place in life, this is a very nice place and a view of the city which I have been looking for a walk for many days What's more, I will keep presenting all the pictures to you so that you too can enjoy it. Thank you.

And I want to tell you that I have traveled most of the time on train etc. and at the same time I have been on the train many times in place but what a pleasure to travel on the bus that this city of his bus. They miss the train because Abbottabad is a very beautiful city which we can see by bus which looks very nice.



As I told you before if we travel in a train or so closed object, how can we miss seeing so many things, as I have described in the above picture? I hope you will never forgive me for traveling in the open so that I can sit on the bus and enjoy these things and I am presenting these pictures to you with great pleasure. Make everything clear and enjoy the journey.



As I told you a lot of things get along the way so I'm on a journey to capture the beauty of many pictures I made a lot of great scenes in the picture. So that I would keep it as my memory or something so that we could refresh our memories even after seeing it again and again, I also kept it so that we could share it with you. And we also feel refreshed to be reminded of it because it was such a lovely sight that made us feel so good.



And finally, our journey was over and we arrived in Abbottabad and we went there for a short rest and after dinner, we went for a walk again because it felt a little cooling there. Because it's cold, but it was getting colder.


And then the time was enough so we thought we would eat first and then come and relax in the room because enough we went and made a picture and walked a lot of things today saw such a beautiful scene.

They sat down to eat outside a small barbecue because the view was great and we decided to eat out instead of going in because it was so much fun.



Then we sat down and there we ordered chicken curry and with it, we made chicken which was made from oil made from desi ghee we ordered them and we ate with great pleasure and Because they were so delicious we used them for dinner which is considered to be a good thing and food there because these things are made with desi ghee and presented to the people. Who eat with great relish.



And then we decided to go back because after the meal we thought we'd get out of the house quickly, so we did.

And there are beautiful scenes that we are missing in many places but this is a place where we can see a lot of things on our own with great ease and with our own eyes.

I hope you will also be very interested to visit this place as it is in the city of Pakistan which is a very lovely place in Abbottabad.

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this post my enjoyable journey and supporting it. Thank you.
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