Jim Corbett National Park Nainital

These images have been taken from Jim Corbett National Park Ramnagar.
This place is situated in Nainital Uttarakhand
where you can see numreous kind of animals with nature
It is mainly reserved for tigers & "BEAR GRYLLS" came to this place to explore.

A jeep safari through the wilderness of Jim Corbett is one of the best adventures to be enjoyed in the park.Safari is an adventure ride that gives an the opportunity to explore the unexplored trails.

In Jim corbett, you can hire guides and do the booking from their website before coming to this place.Without booking you can't visit this place due to large crowd.
Once you filled all the required details in the website and reached there then your tourist guide will arrange for a Jeep, caravan strong animals like the Elephant, Tiger & Horse etc.

The jungle safaris are full of adventure and greenery everywhere.You can see the deers along with different kind of reptiles etc.

Do’s & Don’ts Of Jungle Safari:
Exploring the jungle always brings out numerous surprises for both the nature lover and explorer.one should always take necessary precautions before going to this beautiful place because here animals are hide and you can't even imagine when they will attack to you so always conscious and keep the environment always clean.Do not throw your food and bottles anything in the park.

You should remember that they are protected areas under the Forest Department of India, so do not indulge in such activities that can go against the nature conservation programs of the forest department. When on your jungle expedition just keep in mind that animals are not present natural habitats because it’s their home, so do not disturb them. If you want to take photographs be careful of not disturbing the animals, remember you are in their territory.





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