Crestline, California: Where I am Finding Myself These Days

Sometimes things don't go nearly as planned. In fact, even if things don't come together as expected, they may actually turn out more pleasantly. This is how I'm finding myself in a place I hadn't expected: Crestline, California. Instead of working in the same desert location as two years ago, I ended up in this mountain town to do more conceptual planning work, preparing something that may come to bear fruits over the next couple of years... I hope! I don't even want to go into it now. Instead, let's look at this weird little town in the Berdoo mountains.


Just Outside L.A.

It's the City of Angels again that I am in, though up here you would barely notice this. In fact, the urban sprawl stretching out in the wide expanse just below us isn't even L.A. any more, technically. It's what locals refer to the Inland Empire, made up of towns like Highland, Redlands, Rialto, and San Bernardino (a.k.a. Berdoo). Though you'd be hard pressed to see the edge of either of these town growing into each other, reaching all the way to L.A. and the Pacific Ocean.


On this photo you can see the endless suburbs in the background. They come to an abrupt stop at the foot of the mountains, where the winding road leads up to this very remote looking mountainous region. Up here everything is different. You won't find a straight road, or any building resembling the cookie-cutter strip-malls down there. This town is characterized by steep inclines and tall forests. So as you can tell, I'm very happy here.


10,000 People Tucked Away In Neat Mountain Nooks

A glance at the map will show you, even the "town" of Crestline can hardly be called that. Other than the few blocks around the center, it's all made up of houses built bravely into the hillside, among the tall conifers. They are mostly cedar (with a lovely smell) and ponderosa pines. Many houses are luxurious vacation homes, others seem to be the residences of folks who just want to stay away from the bustle of everything down there... without being all that far. Though it is true: Even with a car, once you've ascended the hill, you better not have forgotten anything below. It takes at least a good 20 minutes to take that "short" trip.


Crestline is also famous for Lake Gregory, which is more like a fancy water reservoir. There are a few other lakes nearby, Silverwood Lake and Lake Arrowhead being the closest, and Lake Big Bear a bit further off to the East. As a result, tourism is big around here. There are tons of facilities for boating, fishing, but also hiking and mountain biking. The town is full of artsy cafes, microbreweries, and there's even an unlikely bowling alley. On sunny days, especially at the weekend, you can see fancy classic cars and motorcycles showing off and riding around in the sunshine.


The geography of the place, coupled with American's image of Europe has turned turned this place into a bit of "Little Switzerland". The lake, the mountains, and the forests have inspired people to name their streets Zurich, Zermatt, Basel, and San Moritz. And in case anyone should still have doubts, this little structure in the center of town should clear it all up:


Going For Daily Walks

My friend I am staying and working with is who has been taking care of my bicycle that I rode down from Canada, and I was quite excited to see both! Given how pretty these surroundings are, I thought I would go for long bike rides... but alas no! The roads are quite narrow, super curvy, and there is virtually no shoulder anywhere. Local motorists, however, are quite used to the twisty turns, so they happily cruise along at speeds that are okay if no cyclist happens to be behind the next curve. I thus opted for exploring these parts on foot. That way I can at least climb up the next to the road when I hear a car coming. Also, whenever I can I prefer walking right through the woods. Thankfully this is mostly national forest here, and also not very dense.

Crestline hikes.png

My daily routine has me teaching classes in the morning (two hours earlier thanks to the time difference with Mexico), after which I usually go out for a two hour hike. After I come back I have lunch and immerse myself in my afternoon creativity. This way I got to see quite a bit of the surrounding area, and get inspired for my writing. I've also been measuring my activity. Unfortunately my phone and Actifit don't like each other, so I'm using a regular web2 fitness app. After ten walks my average daily distance was 7.9 km (4.9 miles), I made an average elevation gain of 290 meters (951 ft), burning an average of 682 calories.


Though my stay here is really more brain-work oriented, I highly enjoy the natural beauty of this mountaineous place, the pleasant atmosphere of the little town, the calm and peaceful nature, and of course hanging out with my friend. However, I don't expect anything more interesting to write about Crestline, other than what I've already mentioned. I certainly can recommend it, though, for anyone who may feel stuck in Los Angeles. It's not too far from there, but it sure is different.


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