Wild Cannabis and Engineering Marvel of Pakistan | Part 4

After freshening up and having breakfast at Kabirwala we started again our journey.

If you haven't read the previous three chapters of this journey, here are the links.

5 Days Road Trip to Northern Pakistan | Part 1

An Incomplete Quest - part 2

Sukkur-Multan Motorway (M-5) | NHA

Are you smoking marijuana or hashish?

We were visiting our spiritual father Sani Baba and we were also in touch with our spiritual brothers who were in his service. He advised us to come via Abbottabad. Because that route is part of the Pakistan China Economic Corridor and being the best motorway, the journey will be short and comfortable. I could smell a familiar scent from Kallarkahar. What I was wondering, was this the same scent? I asked the driver, "Are you smoking marijuana or hashish?" At which the driver smiled and said, "Sir, this is the smell of wild cannabis." This wild cannabis plant grows everywhere in Northern Pakistan. And this fragrance is also coming from the same plant.

Image by Nicky ❀️🌿🐞🌿❀️ from Pixabay

Cannabis Production in Pakistan?

I started doing a google search regarding cannabis production in Pakistan and found an article written by Rana Naseem in Express PK. He said that generally in the Indian sub-continent, the concept of Bhang/Malangi boti (the local name for hemp) is only an addiction or a pastime as drugs like charas and hashish are also derived from the same plant, Who is not aware its negative impact on body and on families as a result... But according to experts, cannabis is much more than a valuable cash crop, whose chemical components can provide relief to suffering humanity. And keeping these facts in mind, in 2020, the Thai government established the country's first official medical cannabis clinic, where patients are currently being treated for free.

The cannabis plant is half a meter to one meter tall, its branches are thin, with four to five leaves. The leaves are dark green and rough. The cannabis flower is white in color and the seed is light round and small. The flowering branches of the cannabis plant with resinous milk on the leaves is called ganja and the resinous secretion on the leaves is called hashish. This liquid is obtained by boiling hemp.

A study was published in the medical journal Science of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics by the Virginia Commonwealth University in the United States, in which it was reported that the use of hemp or marijuana helps prevent epilepsy and some other neurological diseases.

Image by Julia Teichmann from Pixabay

According to the US National Eye Institute, it was known about 10 years ago that the use of cannabis or marijuana helps prevent the eye disease glaucoma, or green cataract, which can cause permanent blindness. According to a report published in The Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, cannabis/marijuana prevents rapid decline in brain activity. Its use also reduces the risk of Alzheimer's, but only when it is used as a medicine and not as a drug. According to a report published in 2015 on the American cancer website cancer.org, marijuana or cannabis played an important role in reducing the risk of cancer and preventing it. According to the US Agency for Drug Administration, cannabis/marijuana helps cancer patients in a different way. Cancer patients often have to undergo chemotherapy for treatment and cannabis/marijuana helps in reducing its side effects.

Researchers at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom believe that cannabis keeps the brain healthy, reducing the risk of stroke. In severe cases of diabetes, the patient feels severe pain in his limbs and other parts of the body. According to researchers at the University of California, hemp/marijuana can reduce this pain. Cannabis/marijuana also reduces the side effects of hepatitis C.

According to medical experts, with the limited use of cannabis, the side effects of this dangerous disease have been reduced by eight percent. Because of the proteins found in cannabis oil, it can also be used in foods. Apart from these uses, cannabis oil can also be used in hair conditioners and cosmetics such as lotions and soaps, which have positive effects on hair and skin.

Considering the cash crop's impact on the global economy, along with the medical benefits of the cash crop, it is estimated that the global cannabis business today is worth more than $25 billion, more than double the amount of research. May be. The United States produces 30 million pounds of cannabis each year, which is cultivated on millions of acres. The world's largest cannabis farm is under construction in Australia, which will produce 500 tons of cannabis annually, with an export value of more than a billion dollars. As of 2016, the UK was the largest producer of legal cannabis. Canada has granted cannabis cultivation licenses to 275 businesses, which are growing the crop on millions of acres to bolster the country's economy.

In this regard, if we talk about Pakistan, initially cannabis was cultivated on one acre of land and experts say that 10 liters of oil is obtained from cannabis plants cultivated on one acre of land. The market price per liter is USD 10,000.

Pakistan's climate and soil are very suitable for cannabis production

Pakistani agricultural experts say that Pakistan's climate and soil are very suitable for cannabis production and it is hoped that it will yield a good harvest if cultivated. And on this basis, the government says that Pakistan can earn one billion dollars in foreign exchange in the next three years from the cultivation and sale of hemp. At present, the crop is being cultivated under government supervision in a limited manner, using a type of hemp that has negligible toxicity.

Apologies for the long write-up on cannabis on TravelFeed. πŸ˜€

The 180-kilometer Hazara Motorway, also known as the M-15 Motorway, connects Thakot in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province to the Burhan Interchange near Hasan Abdal in Punjab.


It avoids five significant towns and cities, including Abbottabad, Havelian, Hassanabdal, and Mansehra. Interchanges, however, are accessible to enter and exit communities up to Mansehra. Following Mansehra, the highway travels via Shinkiari and Battagram.


Marvel of contemporary engineering

The Hazara Motorway is a lovely road in Pakistan with scenic views of the surrounding countryside from Burhan to Mansehra. This route is ideal for long, leisurely drives, especially in the summertime following rain. On this road, there are two great tunnels.

Love to see this marvel of contemporary engineering. The tunnel has shortened the distance by many miles. adore it





Well, after covering about 580 km from Kabirwala to on Hazara motorway with short breaks, we stopped for lunch at Mansehra rest house after 6 hours.

Work on vacations


So I have come to Pakistan on annual vacation but the novelty of my job is that I have to be in touch with my clients. One of my clients urgently needed my help and sent me a message on WhatsApp. I had kept my laptop with me during the trip and thankfully I solved the problem easily through Google Remote Access.

How many stars should i give this restaurant in Google review?

I never had a restaurant experienced anything like this, Crave Mart & Restaurant was a very nice and clean restaurant. For enviroment and location I will give them 10 out of 10. But unfortunately very bad service. I only ordered Reshmi kebabs. Even after 45 minutes, when the food did not come,


I contacted the attendant, but the whole staff was very unprofessional, we could not get any response.

Finally, after an hour of waiting, the food arrived. But one thing I have to admit, the food was delicious.




But after the meal, another problem arose. Such a big restaurant and also a place where tourists pass by. They did not have any contactless payment facility. Cash is a must if you are traveling in Pakistan. Because even at most petrol pumps, card payment facility is not available.

*That's it for today, but my journey isn't over yet. I will be sharing the next chapter of this blog's continuation on Travel Feed soon.

Please let me know your opinion by commenting.*


As I mentioned in my intro, from the last 2 decades I have been active on social media, google mapping and reviews, youtube and thatsup. I will share my own past interesting content from these channels, but all my upcoming content I will share on hive.blog first.

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