Walking around the Setzberg in Spitz (Lower Austria)

For that walk you will need around one and a half hour.

Parish church Saint Maurice
Parish church Saint Maurice

You start at the parish church of Spitz in Wachau. The medieval church is dedicated to Saint Maurice.

From there you walk in western direction in a street called "Friedhofgasse".


Then you reach the part of the village that is called Radlbach. Here you turn right and walk up the mountain alongside a creek that is called Radlbach as well.

After a small stone quarry you have to turn left.

After some meters you have to turn right.

But if you walk straight ahead for another 250 meters you'll have a wonderful view on Spitz.

But now back to the original road that will now lead you through the wood.

After some time the path divides. You will now first take the left path, then come back and take the right path.

Dry grassland in the nature protection area
Dry grassland in the nature protection area

The left one will first lead you through a nature protection area. The dry grassland hosts a lot of rare plants and animals, so take care when you cross it and stay on the small paths. In summer, sheeps are grazing in the dry grassland, so you should NOT take your dog (or any other animal) with you!

Summit plateau
Summit plateau

Soon you will reach the summit plateau, which is 392 meters above the Adriatic Sea.

View from the summit plateau
View from the summit plateau

From here you have a wonderful view down to the Danube River.

Then you walk back and take the other path. This will lead you to vineyards. Here you turn left.

You walk down the road between the wood and the vineyards. Later, the road is paved.

Finally you have to turn sharp left and follow the singposts of the "Panoramaweg Spitzer Graben".

This small path leads directly through vineyards.

Then you have to walk up steep stairs that lead to another vineyard.

Dry grassland
Dry grassland

Finally you will reach dry grassland again.


Then you come to the "Setzberghütte". In this hut you will find information on the nature protection area.

The now following way through the vineyards is quite flat and you have a wonderful view on Spitz and the "Tausendeimerberg".

The way ends at the Radlbach, where you turn right into the paved road on that you have walked up at the beginning of this walk.


Soon you will come back to Spitz.

There you will have to turn left into the "Friedhofgasse"…

Parish church St. Maurice
Parish church St. Maurice

to get back to the parish church St. Maurice.

A detailled description of the walk around the Setzberg in German language can be found on Weinbergwandern.at. This description contains even more images and a map.

[https://www.weinbergwandern.at/gps/spitz_setzberg.gpx](Here you can download the GPS data)

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