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Sorrento trip to Italy

Italy is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever visited. There are unique and wonderful places worth visiting. I will start my tour to Italy with a post about the Sorrento, a beautiful place near Naples.I wull call it a lemon kingdom too.


The pictures say more than words.-
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Sorrento is one of Italy's most famous holiday destinations.It is located only one hour far away from the Naples. The romantic Sunshine City is fashionable, hospitable and full of Mediterranean spirit. High hills, valleys and mountains become terraces leading to the sea. About 30 kilometers from Naples, Sorrento offers stunning views of Naples and Mount Vesuvius. This beautiful Mediterranean place is characterized by narrow streets filled with tourists.

Piazza Tasso is the main square in Sorrento, Here you’ll also see the baroque Church del Carmine, lots of cafes, and restaurants.


The Sorrento lemon, one of Italy's greatest lemons, is named after the southern Italian town of Sorrento. I was astonished by the size and shape of the lemon. At first I thougt it was a kind of melon.


Lemons and limoncello are famous along the Amalfi Coast, but in Sorrento the most. I bought few small bottles to share with my friends,
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The colorful streets are full of souvenirs and dresses and unique clothes with lemon motives too.
There are the magnificent sights that take your breath away, the city abounds in alleys studded with shops full of a wide variety of goods, from clothes and shoes to souvenirs and handicrafts, sometimes at very affordable prices, so Sorrento is also very attractive for shopping.

The Sorento smells fantastic.There is the most fantastic-smelling bushes of white flowering Jasmine .I was obsessed with its smell.


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From Sorrento, you can easily visit the islands of this coast and Capri, the most famous of all and one of the most beautiful islands in Italy. I visited Kapri too but it will deserve a separate post.
Sorrento is very beautiful town with unique soul,there are beautiful views in the environment, and in my opinion the prizes of the accommodation,food and other things are afordable ,
There are many poems written about Sorrento such as Italy : 46. Sorrento Poem by Samuel Rogers and many others. When you hear the name of the place you imagine something beautiful and unique.

Thanks for your time.To be continued...

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