“Camping on Cebu’s most popular mountain with our baby"

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Soul Sierra [//]:# (!pinmapple 10.368005 lat 123.859887 long d3scr)

A while back our family (Pamilya Abilla) went on an exciting adventure. Actually, it was the first adventure we went on during the lockdowns from the pandemic as most stores and restaurants wouldn’t allow children to be customers. Our first instinct was that this opportunity was too good to be true. Thankfully, we were wrong. This leads us to what our adventure was and how we were going to conquer it. After browsing the net for places that allow kids, we came across Soul Sierra Mountain Retreat. This place was a campsite on top of a mountain called “Busay Mountain”. The location provided a getaway from the bustling city life below and a serene place for meditation and relaxation. We settled on Soul Sierra as the choice for our next family adventure. First, we had to pack.


Packing the proper equipment, clothing, and food was the top priority for us as the morning persisted. We had 2 backpacks, another empty bag for random stuff, and not much else. We started by filling the backpacks full of clothing for all three of us and other essential items such as; a lighter, a wallet, our recording equipment, and our drone. The remaining empty bag was chosen for the food. We stuffed the food bag full of fresh veggies, fruits, and two fat steaks for an incredible mountain-top feed. We also brought a sealed container for our baby which held formula as a backup food for her. Aside from clothing and food, we also brought along a first aid kit in case anything went wrong and someone got hurt. After loading our gear, we got on the road to the mountain campground area.


The drive took about 45 minutes due to Cebu’s incessant traffic problem but was filled with incredible sights of the city and people during their everyday lives. Once we entered the long winding road to Busay Mountain we immediately noticed a temperature drop and as the elevation increased, so did the views. Views of the numerous mountains that surround Cebu City act almost like a barrier to the other side of the island and form beautiful peaks covered completely in thick trees similar to those found in rainforests. These mountains are home to a species that is very cool, the Black Shaman - A small blackbird that is endemic to Cebu Island and has a population of less than 5,000 in the wild. Anyways, we didn’t spot any of those despite our limited efforts. After driving up the forever winding and increasingly steep roads we took a left onto the road to a popular tourist destination, The Temple of Leah. Upon passing the common sightseeing spot we made our way on a small heavily wooded path that was barely large enough for 1 car (if two cars met going opposite directions, one driver had to reverse until there was room for the other to pass). Finally, the path led us to the entrance of Soul Sierra.

Before starting our hike to the grounds we had to sign in and check with the guards to verify our reservation (as there are only 3 spaces available to camp). After a 10-minute process, we were ushered to a small truck with rows of seating in the back to bring us to the reception area of the camp. We loaded the truck, filled the first two seats with our backpacks and food bag, and set off on the rough road to the reception. Once we arrived at the front desk area we purchased some firewood and uling (charcoal), then hiked our way to the top of the mountain and our small cabin to relax for the night. At this point, it was already getting late and we were feeling hungry. Cora (our baby girl) was the first person to take care of. We made up some food for her and made sure she was nice and full before taking care of ourselves. After she was busog (full) we heated the charcoal inside a grill that was provided by the campground (very clean by the way) and prepped our supper. Dinner would consist of potato kebabs, baked potato, mixed veggies, and two-large U.S. ribeye steaks. After the meal was prepared we all sat down to an incredible view of the city lights. They looked like Christmas lights or fireflies. Cora loved it.

After our meal, we decided to light a bonfire in a pit that was about 20 feet below our campsite on the mountainside that faced the city. This was Cora’s first campfire. She had a great time and we made sure that the smoke from the fire never got to her. During this trip, the main focus was to keep her happy and safe. We can proudly say this was a mission accomplished in that regard and we would recommend this trip for you and your family if you’re looking for something to make you guys closer. We put the fire out and climbed the set of stairs back to our little cabin for a well-earned night's rest.

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Upon waking up the next morning, the same process was repeated with the grill. This time, we had sunny-side-up eggs stuffed inside giant red bell peppers and french toast kebab style. The only the lacking to make this breakfast perfect was the syrup for the toast. Other than that it was great. After breakfast, we had to pack up our things to go as check-out was at noon. Soon after the small adventure started, it ended and felt too speedy as we had a great time and would definitely go back for a longer period of time. Overall, we had a wonderful time and on the drive down, reflected on the adventure also thinking about what new adventure comes next! See you on the next adventure!


We have an entire video on this exact story on our YouTube Channel, "Pamilya Abilla" if you want to see the full-detailed story!

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