🥊Mizuo's Travel Blog🥊No.27 - Flea market, Kayaking, and eating in Stockholm with friend, Aug. 2022

Kayaking in Stockholm, Sweden
Kayaking in Stockholm, Sweden

My friend came to visit me in Stockholm and I am going to write a blog about the second day. Please check out my Travel Blog of the first day!


🥊Mizuo's Travel Blog🥊No.26 - Gamla Stan, Stockholm with friend, Aug. 2022


Hötorget flea market

When I asked my friend, "What do you want to do while you're here in Stockholm for sightseeing?" My friend's answer to my question was below~

1) I want to see the flea market.

2) I would like to visit Gustavsberg's pottery studio.

3) I want to eat Swedish food.

So we decided to go to the flea market first.

Flea market at Hötorget square
Flea market at  Hötorget square

They sell whatever they want there every Sunday!! - https://www.visitstockholm.com/o/hotorget-fleamarket/
They sell whatever they want there every Sunday!! - https://www.visitstockholm.com/o/hotorget-fleamarket/

We had talked about going to all the places he wished to visit, hoping that he would make many happy memories even during his short stay. My friend was very interested in antiques and seemed to have a good eye for them. And, when he finds something popular in Japan, he sells it on the Internet too.  ( My friend's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kiske_shop/?hl=en )

It was a pretty sunny day! What a beautiful day was!
It was a pretty sunny day! What a beautiful day was! 

There was a real variety of things on display. Some of the items were of such value that I honestly wondered if they were worth it, but it was interesting because it had a very flea market feel to it. Haha! It's very hard to find something valuable in the flea market, but it is very fun to take a look at them and buy what you like! Who cares if it is valuable or not!? Haha!

Hötorget flea market


It was a summer day with temperatures rising to over 30 degrees Celsius. Since there is only about one week in a year when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius in Stockholm, I thought it was a really good time to come and visit.

My friend seemed to understand the general price range at this flea market, and was painstakingly researching what items were for sale and at what price.

Kayaking in Långholmen 


The next stop was the island of Longholmen, which is only a 15-minute train ride away. That island is a small island with a radius of about 30 minutes, and it is a beautiful area where many of the residents there are rich and own boats, or take kayaks to the lake from the kayak launch just around the corner. I had been there a few times with friends and enjoyed kayaking so much that I thought it would be a great place for all of us to go.

OK! Let’s go!!
OK! Let's go!!

I went kayaking in a one-person kayak and my friend went kayaking with my Sambo. I had been kayaking a few times, so I chose the one-person kayak.

With a one-person kayak, I could easily go in the direction I wanted to go, but with a two-person kayak, of course, I was not moving fast enough and it was quite difficult to keep up with the two of them. Darn! Wait for me!

The smileys face is where Stockholm City Hall is located. It took about an hour to get there and took an hour to get back to the starting point.
The smileys face is where Stockholm City Hall is located. It took about an hour to get there and took an hour to get back to the starting point. 

So beautiful! Stockholm City Hall! - https://cityhall.stockholm/city-hall-tower/
So beautiful! Stockholm City Hall! - https://cityhall.stockholm/city-hall-tower/

It took me about an hour to reach Stockholm City Hall Tower from the starting point by slow rowing. It was the first time for me to see Stockholm City Hall from the lake, and I had a very good memory of it. It was very fun to see people waving to us while they were sightseeing on the boat.

I got hungry! So, I had this hotdog to quench hunger! LOL!
I got hungry! So, I had this hotdog to quench hunger! LOL! 

I was pretty tired after two hours of kayaking! When I got off the kayak, my friend said his arms were shaking. (LOL).

Tired from kayaking, we decided to take a short rest. Since we had come all this way to this beautiful island to have fun, we decided to go swimming for a bit. My friend was more tired than I expected and decided to take a nap, but my sambo and I went for a short swim. Yay! No time to waste and enjoy this beautiful day! However, the water temperature was colder than I expected, so I only put my feet in the water and didn't swim. After all, lakes in Scandinavia are chilly even when the temperature outside is 30 degrees Celsius! I also took a short nap afterwards, and it was great to take a nap under the shade of the trees with the sun shining through the trees.

I want to earn lots of lots of lots of money to own a boat like them! LOL!
I want to earn lots of lots of lots of money to own a boat like them! LOL! 

It's time to eat and drink!

  T J O G E T - Restaurant  


After two hours of paddling in a kayak and then a short swim, I became pretty hungry. Besides, it was very hot that day and we were so thirsty, so I decided to have a beer before having dinner. There was a very nice restaurant nearby, and we drank a lot of beer and cocktail there. They had a very good cocktail menu.

Akkurat - Restaurang Södermalm


My friend wanted to try Swedish food, so we decided to go to a bar that serves Swedish food. The bar is called Akkurat and is loved by the local Stockholmers. The menu, which includes a wide variety of local beers, is sure to satisfy even tourists.

There is a dish in Sweden where they eat raw meat, and we all ordered it and ate it together. Japanese people eat fish raw, but Swedes have the custom of eating beef raw. I was a little surprised at first, but once I tried it, it tasted so good! Trust me, it is true! Very delicious! 




There's one Swedish beer that you just have to have when you come to Sweden! Omnipollo! I love this Swedish beer so much that I decided to go to the bar for a drink before going home. Now that I think about it, we really ate and drank a lot that day! LOL!

We really had a very productive day. Maybe we did too much!? We went to the flea market, then went kayaking, then a little went swimming in the lake, then drunk beer and cocktails, then we ate raw meat! It really was a great day. AMAZING!! 







短い滞圚でも楜しい思い出をたくさん䜜っおほしいずいう思いもあっお、垌望する堎所は党郚行こうず話をしおいたした。 友達は骚董品にずおも興味があっお、かなりの目利きでが出来るようで、良い商品を芋぀けた堎合はネットで販売しおいるようでした。





次に向かったのはロングホルメン島ず蚀うしないから電車で分皋床の島です。その島は半埄分皋床の小さな島で、そこの䜏人はお金持ちが倚くおボヌトを所有しおいたり、すぐ近くのカダック乗り堎からカダックに乗っお湖に行ったりずずおもきれいな地域です。 そこにはわたしも数回友人ず行ったこずがあっお、カダックがずおも楜しかったのでこれはぜひみんなで行きたいなず思っおいたした。

わたしは人乗り甚のカダックに乗っお、友人はわたしのサンボず䞀緒に乗っおカダックを楜しみたした。 わたしは数回カダックに乗った経隓があったので、人乗りを遞びたした。


スタヌトポむントからStockholm City Hall Tower (ストックホルム垂庁舎) たではゆっくり挕いで、だいたい時間ぐらいかかりたした。わたしも湖の䞊からストックホルム垂庁舎を芋るのは初めおで、ずおも良い思い出を䜜るこずが出来たした。船に乗っお芳光しおいる方がわたし達に手を振っおくれたりず、ずおも楜しかったです。

やっぱり時間カダックをするず結構疲れたした カダックから降りるず、友達は腕がぷるぷるふるえおるヌず蚀っおいたした。 笑

カダックで疲れお、すこし䌑憩するこずにしたした。 せっかく遊びに来たのだから泳ぎに行こうずいうこずになり、少しだけ泳ぎに行くこずにしたした。 友達は思ったより疲れたようで寝おいたのですが、わたしずサンボは少し泳ぎに行きたした。 しかし、氎枩が思ったより冷たくお、わたしは足を付ける皋床で、泳ぎたせんでした。 やっぱり、北欧の湖は倖の気枩が床でもひやっずしたすね わたしもそのあずは少し昌寝したのですが、朚挏れ日が泚ぐ朚陰での昌寝は最高でした。


カダックで時間挕いで、そのあずは少し泳ぐずやっぱりお腹がペコペコになりたした。 それに、その日はずおも暑く、喉も也いたので倕食を食べる前にビヌルを飲むこずにしたした。 近くにずおもよいレストランがあり、少しそこでいっぱい飲みたした。 カクテルメニュヌもずおも充実しおいたした。

友達がスりェヌデン料理を食べおみたいず蚀うこずだったので、スりェヌデン料理が食べれるバヌに行くこずにしたした。 Akkuratず蚀う地元のストックホルム人に愛されおいるバヌで、地ビヌルもずおも充実しおいるメニュヌは芳光客も倧満足する品ぞろいだずおもいたす。

スりェヌデンには生肉を食べる料理があるのですが、それを泚文しお皆で食べたした。 日本人は生で魚を食べるのですが、スりェヌデン人は生で牛肉を食べる習慣がありたす。 初めは少しびっくりしたのですが、食べおみるずずおも矎味しいですよ

スりェヌデンに来たら絶察に飲たないずいけないスりェヌデン産のビヌルがありたす Omnipollo わたしもこのスりェヌデン産のビヌルが倧奜きずいうこずもあっお、家に垰る前にバヌに飲みに行くこずにしたした。 今思うず、この日は本圓にたくさん食べお、たくさん飲んでいたすね LOL!

本圓にずおも充実した日を過ごすこずが出来たした。 フリヌマヌケットに行っお、そのあずはカダックに乗っお、そしお少し湖で泳いで、そしおビヌルずカクテルを飲んで、それから生肉をたべる 本圓に最高の䞀日を過ごすこずが出来たした。

🥊 ᚚᛚᚢ 🥊

🥊 Ha det sÃ¥ bra!🥊

🥊See you again!🥊



🍣🥊 Cross Culture - /created/hive-181017 🍣🥊


By http://www.slimjimstudios.com/

💚 Don't get carried away by the Eight Winds 💚

🌬1) Prosperity - 利

🌬2) Decline - 衰

🌬3) Disgrace - 毀

🌬4) Honor - 誉

🌬5) Praise - 称

🌬6) Censure - 譏

🌬7) Suffering - è‹Š

🌬8) Pleasure - 楜

by @stickupboys

by @doze 🍯🐝https://linktr.ee/_Hive.io🍯🐝


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