🥊Mizuo's Travel Blog🥊No.26 - Gamla Stan, Stockholm with friend, Aug. 2022

Aifur, Viking restaurant - https://aifur.se/
Aifur, Viking restaurant - https://aifur.se/

Reunion after a long time

It's really nice to reconnect with like-minded friends. I think again that it is only with friends that we can instantly forget the period of time we have not seen each other, talk about the old days, and instantly return to the person we were then, even though it has been a long time since we last saw each other.

A friend of mine who works in Germany contacted me to say that he was going to visit Stockholm now that the Corona restrictions had been relaxed, and we met again for the first time in many years.

Swedish pizza bigger than my friend’s face.
Swedish pizza bigger than my friend's face. My friend's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kiske_shop/?hl=en

On the first day, we first took a break to eat pizza at a restaurant, as it was late afternoon when we arrived. What would you like to eat?" The answer was, "Swedish food, of course! I took my friend to a pizza place, which was also very Swedish in a sense. In Sweden, it is not easy to eat traditional Swedish food in restaurants. So, I decided to introduce Swedish pizza. 

What's Swedish Pizza? You may be thinking, "What is Swedish Pizza?" but in Sweden, Swedes have their own idea of what they call pizza. Hawaiian pizza is seasoned with 🍍 pineapple and curry powder, for example. Kebab pizza is a pizza with a lot of kebab meat on it.

At any rate, they seemed to enjoy the kebab pizza, although they were surprised at the size of the pizza. But still, it is a big pizza, isn't it?

We took a walk after we ate the pizza.
We took a walk after we ate the pizza. 

Bird nest boxes on a tree helps lots of birds when they raise baby birds.
Bird nest boxes on a tree helps lots of birds when they raise baby birds. 

After eating pizza, we decided to take a short walk. In the suburbs of Stockholm, where I live, there are many lakes near my apartment, and walking paths have been built along them. Depending on the season, you can see migratory birds such as geese, swans, and ducks relaxing on the lakes, and swallows nesting in nest boxes built in the trees along the lakes.

I met my friend in Tokyo and we always hung out at clubs in Shinjuku, Harajuku, and Shibuya. Of course, many of my memories with friend are of drinking until morning at those clubs and bars, but walking around the lake with friends like this, we talked about how we felt a little older, saying, "Back then, I never thought that we would enjoy walking around the lake more than going to clubs. I felt a little old. LOLOLOL!

Gamla Stan, Old Town of Stockholm

My favorite Viking restaurant in Gamla Stan. - https://aifur.se/
My favorite Viking restaurant in Gamla Stan. - https://aifur.se/


There is a restaurant that I always take to when my friends come to Stockholm. It is called Aifur, a restaurant that recreates Viking-era Sweden and is especially popular among tourists. It is very popular among local Swedes because its authentic atmosphere the restaurant creates.  And the Viking drink they serve there, mead, which is made from fermented honey and has been drunk since the Viking era, is very tasty. 

It seems that other Hivers also visited Aifur, let's take a look what @nenad-ristic wrote about Aifur~~ I hope they had a good time there too!


We met this cute dog in the restaurant. He was soooo sleepy and put his chin on my leg and started to sleep. Adorable!! 😆👏
We met this cute dog in the restaurant. He was soooo sleepy and put his chin on my leg and started to sleep. Adorable!! 😆👏

There are several reasons why I particularly like Aifur: on weekends they play Viking-era instruments and there is a very lively atmosphere in the restaurant. And before they show you to your table, they ask, "Where are you from?" the server will ask you, and when you answer, you will be surprised by all the customers in the restaurant welcoming you to the restaurant. Well, you'll know what I mean when you visit there! You've got to go there! 

We also had a glass of mead there, took a short break, and went to the next bar. We got drunk on mead while listening to music from the Viking era.

The Secret Garden - Stockholm

The Secret Garden - http://www.secretgardensthlm.se/

The next bar we went to was The Secret Garden, one of the oldest bars in Stockholm's Old Town, located in a building that was built in 1800. It is an LGBT-friendly bar, but it is what is so-called a "tourist bar", and it is a very popular bar that has the atmosphere of a bar where everyone, both straight and LGBT+, can hang out together.

We met a drag queen, pretty cool! 😆👏
We met a drag queen, pretty cool! 😆👏

There is also a dance floor in the bar, which was quite crowded and lively, probably due to the fact that we were there on a weekend. Next to the dance floor, there was a large space with lots of tables. It was a typical bar where you could talk with friends, have a drink, and then go back to the dance floor to dance. What I enjoyed was that they were playing a lot of songs by Swedish artists ABBA and Miss Li, which I think gave it a Swedish club atmosphere. I even got to meet a drag queen, which was also a great experience.


We also had some pleasant encounters. I met a young man with a "kamona" carving around his neck. I was curious about "Kamona," and when I talked to him, he was a very nice person and we had a lot of fun talking. He is going to study in Japan, and I hope he will be a bridge between Sweden and Japan.

Kamona!! Awesome!! Love it!
Kamona!! Awesome!! Love it! 

I met a cool Viking in Sweden  - 08132022


3AM in the morning

So, we stayed in Gamla Stan till 3AM lol!
So, we stayed in Gamla Stan till 3AM lol!

After talking with my friends, we ended up hitting three bars, and before we knew it, it was 3:00 in the morning. Still young, aren't we?! We had a lot of fun. LOL!


気の合う友達に再䌚するのは本圓にいいですよね。 久しぶりに䌚ったのに、今たで䌚っおいなかった期間をすぐに忘れ、昔話に花が咲き、瞬時にその圓時の自分に戻るこずが出来るのも友人がいるからこそできるこずだず改めお思いたす。


初日は到着した時間が昌過ぎだったこずもあっお、たずはレストランでピザを食べお䌑憩したした。 「䜕が食べたい」ず蚀う答えに、「もちろん、スりェヌデン料理」ず答えた友人に察しお、連れお行った堎所がピザ屋ず蚀うのもある意味、スりェヌデンっぜいかもしれたせん。 スりェヌデンは䌝統的なスりェヌデン料理はなかなかレストランで食べるこずが出来たせん。 そこで、スりェヌデンピザを玹介するこずにしたした。

スりェヌデンピザっお䜕ず思うかもしれたせんが、スりェヌデンにはスりェヌデン人が独自に考えたピザず蚀うものがありたす。 ハワむピザは🍍パむナップルずカレヌパりダヌを䜿っお味付けしおいたり。 ケバブピザはケバブの肉をピザにたくさん盛り぀けたピザなどがありたす。

ずりあえずピザの倧きさにびっくりしおいたしたが、ケバブピザを堪胜したようでした。 それにしおも、ピザ倧きいですよね。

ピザを食べた埌は、すこし散歩をするこずにしたした。 わたしが䜏んでいるストックホルム郊倖は湖がアパヌトの近くにたくさんあり、それにそっお散歩道が䜜られおいたす。 時期によっおは枡り鳥である雁や癜鳥、鎚などが湖でく぀ろいでいる姿や、湖の朚々に䜜られた巣箱には燕が巣を䜜っおいる姿なども芋るこずができたす。

友人ずは東京で知り合い、い぀も新宿、原宿、枋谷などのクラブで遊んでいたした。 もちろん友人ずの思い出はそういったクラブやバヌで朝たで飲み明かした思い出などが倚いのですが、こうしお湖を友人ず歩いおいるず、「あの圓時、たさか自分たちがクラブより湖近くの散歩のほうが楜しく感じるっお思いもしなかったね」なんおちょっず幎を感じる話もしながら散歩したした。


私がアむフルを特に気に入っおいる理由はいく぀かありたす。週末にはバむキング時代の楜噚を挔奏しおおり、店内はずおも賑やかな雰囲気に包たれおいたす。 そしお、テヌブルに案内される前に、サヌバヌから「どちらからいらっしゃいたしたか」ず聞かれるので、答えるず、店内のお客さん党員が歓迎しおくれお、びっくりしたすよ。たあ、行っおみればわかるんですけどね。ぜひ行っおみおください! 

わたし達もそこではミヌドを䞀杯飲んで、少し䌑憩しお次のバヌに行きたした。 ノァむキング時代の音楜を聞きながら、ミヌドを飲むずいい感じに酔っおきたした。

The Secret Garden 秘密の花園

次に行ったバヌはThe Secret Gardenず蚀うストックホルム旧垂街で老舗のバヌで、なんず建蚭は幎に建おられた建物の䞭にありたす。 LGBTフレンドリヌなバヌではあるのですが、俗に蚀う芳光バヌず蚀うバヌで、ストレヌトもLGBTも皆が䞀緒に遊ぶこずのできるバヌず蚀った雰囲気があるずおも人気のバヌに行きたした。

バヌの䞭にはダンスフロアもあっお、わたし達が行ったは週末だったこずもあっおか、かなりの人がいお盛り䞊がっおいたした。 ダンスフロアの暪にはかなり広いスペヌスをずっおテヌブル垭がたくさんあっお、友達ず話しお、お酒を飲んで、そしおたたダンスフロアでダンスするず蚀った、兞型的なバヌでした。 楜しかったのが、スりェヌデンのアヌティストであるABBA、Miss Li の曲がたくさんかかっおいお、スりェヌデンのクラブの雰囲気があったず思いたす。 ドラァグクむヌンにもあえお、これもいい経隓になりたした。

楜しい出䌚いもありたした。 銖に「かもな」ず蚀う圫り物をいれた青幎に䌚いたした。 その、「かもな」がどうしおも気になり、話しかけるずずおも感じのよい人で、色々ず話が盛り䞊がりたした。 日本にも留孊に行くようで、スりェヌデンず日本の懞け橋になっおほしいなぁず感じたした。


久しぶりの再䌚だし、今日はずこずん遊がうぜぇヌず友達ず話、バヌを結局件はしごしお、気が付くず朝の時になっおいたした。 ただただ、若い 楜しい思い出が出来たした。

🥊 ᚚᛚᚢ 🥊

🥊 Ha det sÃ¥ bra!🥊

🥊See you again!🥊



🍣🥊 Cross Culture - /created/hive-181017 🍣🥊


By http://www.slimjimstudios.com/

💚 Don't get carried away by the Eight Winds 💚

🌬1) Prosperity - 利

🌬2) Decline - 衰

🌬3) Disgrace - 毀

🌬4) Honor - 誉

🌬5) Praise - 称

🌬6) Censure - 譏

🌬7) Suffering - è‹Š

🌬8) Pleasure - 楜

by @stickupboys

by @doze 🍯🐝https://linktr.ee/_Hive.io🍯🐝


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