🥦Mizuo's Travel Blog🥦No.24 - Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 2022

Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família

Barcelona airport, IATA: BCN - ICAO: LEBL  

My first time to visit Spain 🇪🇸

When I landed at the airport, I felt the difference in temperature and humidity and said to myself, "I'm overseas! When you land at an airport, you can feel the difference in temperature and humidity. At Barcelona Airport in Spain, I felt the difference from the moment I landed at the airport compared to Sweden, where I did not feel cold even in short sleeves and short pants when I got off the plane.

I had heard from a friend that the smell of soy sauce coming out of a restaurant was very distinctive when he landed at a Japanese airport, and I was reminded that airports have a face of their own.


空港に降り立つと、気温の違いや湿度の違いを肌で感じて「海外にきたな!」と実感させる空港があります。 スペインのバルセロナ空港も、降り立つと半袖半ズボンでも寒さを感じない気温は、スウェーデンとは空港に降り立った瞬間から違いを感じました。


La Pepita - Restaurant 

We arrived at the airport around 4:00 p.m. and then it was a 30-minute cab ride to our reserved hotel. After deciding to travel to Spain, many of my friends had warned me that "Spain has many scams and pickpockets targeting tourists, so be careful!" I had been warned.

Every time I told my friends that I was going to travel to Spain, they all gave me the same advice, and to be honest, I was very nervous about sightseeing. I myself had heard that my boss had been pickpocketed when he and his wife went to Spain for sightseeing once upon a time, and I was also told that "Asian tourists are targets!" So I was very careful.

When we took a cab to the hotel, my credit card was not accepted. We tried several times with the credit card reader, so I thought, "Maybe they stole my credit card info?!" But I didn't get any credit card fraud, I just couldn't use my credit card for some reason. "Cash is everything!" I am very glad that I had converted my money into Euros before I arrived in Spain.

When we arrived at the hotel, there was a slight mishap of a reservation error, but, well, these mishaps happen all the time when traveling, so I forgot about it and headed to the restaurant to get myself together.

La Pieta - https://www.lapepitabcn.com/la-pepita-en

The restaurant was close to the hotel, just a few minutes' walk away. I drank Spanish beer for the first time in my life and ate croquettes, which I rarely had the chance to eat in Sweden. The croquettes, made with squid ink, were amazingly black inside! But they tasted really good and the beer went down a treat.

👇👇This is what we ordered at the restaurant 👇👇


La Petita 「金塊と言う名のレストラン」

空港に到着したのは午後4時頃で、それから予約していたホテルまではタクシーで30分程度でした。 スペイン旅行に行くと決めてから、多くの友人に「スペインは旅行客を狙った詐欺やスリが多いから気を付けてね!」と忠告を受けていました。

スペインに旅行に行くと友人にいうたびに皆同じ忠告をしてくれて、正直とても緊張して観光をしました。 わたし自身、むかし会社の上司が夫妻でスペインに観光に行ってる時にスリにあったと話を聞いていましたし、「アジア人観光客はターゲットになる!」と言われていたので、気を付けていました。

タクシーに乗りホテルに着くと、クレジットカードが使えなく。 何度もクレジットカードリーダーで試したので、「もしかして、クレジットカードの情報を盗まれた?!」とか怪しんでしまったのですが、クレジットカード詐欺にはあわず、なぜかただ使えませんでした。 「現金こそすべて!」と言う、日本ににた現金主義がスペインでも残っているようで、事前にユーロに換金していて本当に良かったです。


La Pieta - https://www.lapepitabcn.com/la-pepita-en

レストランはホテルの近くで、徒歩数分の場所でした。 人生初のスペインビールを飲んで、スウェーデンではほとんど食べる機会のなかったコロッケを食べました。 イカ墨を使って作ったコロッケは中身が真っ黒でびっくり! でも味は本当においしくて、ビールがすすみました。



Casa Comalat

I didn't know it was Gaudi's work and happened to find it. Nice encounter.

I do not have much knowledge of Spain, but even I was aware of the existence of Gaudi. However, I did not know what he did except for designing the Sacrada Familia. When I came to Barcelona, I found that there were many buildings in the city where I saw many people, and it seemed that most of them were designed by Gaudi. I couldn't find out if Casa Comalat was also desiged by Gaudi, but well, it was pretty cool and beautiful, so maybe it was so too! 


ガウディ―の作品 Casa Comalat

スペインの知識があまりないわたしですが、そんなわたしでも「ガウディ」の存在は知っていました。 ただ、実はガウディがサクラダファミリアをデザインした以外は何をした人か知りませんでした。 バルセロナに来ると、市内で人があるまっている建物があって、それは大体、ガウディがデザインした建物のようで、このCasa Comalatもその一つか否かは実はわからなかったのですが、現代建築デザインとしては素晴らしい作品だとおもいました。 こんなアパートに住めたらめっちゃかっこいいですよね~。

Magnificent building spread out before us

We walked from the hotel to the Sagrada Familia church. It took about 15 minutes on foot, so it was a nice walk. It was fun just to stroll around the city of Barcelona, with its masterpieces of modern architecture designed by Gaudi and many other beautiful buildings.

I had heard about its size, but the Sagrada Familia church was visible from a distance, and as I walked up to it, I was amazed at its size. It is a magnificent structure that one can look up and admire, and it has a majestic appearance befitting a structure that has been under construction for more than 100 years.

I thought it was the front, but this way was actually the exit.


It is difficult to describe its appearance due to my lack of adjectives, but I was truly overwhelmed by the sheer size of the building, the detail of its design, and its beauty.

Then, when I approached the entrance to go inside, I was surprised at the high price of the admission fee, which was about 35 EURO. I did not feel the need to go that far to enter, and I was a little skeptical about such a high admission fee for a religious facility, so I decided not to enter. After all, it seems that poor people cannot go to heaven. WTH. LOL.


サクラダファミリア教会まではホテルから歩いていきました。 徒歩で15分ぐらいなので、ちょうどいい散歩になりました。 バルセロナ市内にはガウディにデザインされた現代建築の傑作や、他の多くなきれいな建物が立っていて、町を散策するだけで楽しかったです。

その大きさは聞いていたのですが、サクラダファミリア教会は遠くからでも見えて、歩きながら近づくとその大きさに驚きました。 まさに、見上げて眺めるといったその壮大な建造物は、100年以上かけて建造を続けている建造物にふさわしい荘厳な風格を備えていました。


では、いざ中に入ってみようと思って入り口に近づくと入場料が35EURO程度かかり、その値段の高さにびっくりしました。 そして、そこまでして中に入る必要も感じなかったし、こういった宗教施設の入場料にそこまで高いことに少し疑問も感じ入場することはしませんでした。 やはり、貧乏人は天国にいけないようですね。 LOL!

What is happiness?


It was so nice to see you in Spain! I am so happy to call you "friend" 😀🎶

I was surprised at the high entrance fee for the Sagrada Familia church and ended up not going inside. I thought 35 EURO was too much, right? Even if the church was registered as a World Heritage site and therefore had to pay management and maintenance fees, I thought the fee was too high and that the entrance fee for religious facilities should be free or within 10 EURO. So, even if I did not enter the Sagrada Familia church, I bought an ice cream and rejoiced to see my friends again and felt happiness there. What is happiness?

In the past, I'm sure that people used to enter majestic buildings like the Sagrada Familia church, and that people used to feel a sense of happiness and have their own religious experiences by entering magnificent places and having mystical religious experiences to feel "God", I guess. I would rather spend money to come to Spain to meet a friend and to buy ice cream and to talk about old times with friend I haven't seen in a long time than in the Sagrada Familia Church. Oh, it was such a wonderful day to feel "happiness" to spend time with my friend and my sambo in Spain. 

サクラダファミリア教会の入場料金の高さにびっくりし、結局は内部に入りませんでした。 35EUROってたかすぎでしょ? 世界遺産に登録されたから、管理維持費がかかっていたとしても、その金額は高すぎだし、宗教施設って入場料が無料もしくは10EURO以内でしょと思いました。 そこで、サクラダファミリア教会に入らずとも、アイスを買って友達との再会を喜び、そこに幸福を感じました。 幸福感とは何なのでしょうか?

昔はきっとサクラダファミリア教会のような荘厳な建物に入り、異次元的な場所に入り神秘的な経験をすることで幸福感を感じたり、自身の宗教的経験を持った思うのですが、わたしの中での幸福感とは無事故で健康に日々を過ごし、アイスを買うお金があり、久しぶりに会った友人とスペインで再会し、昔話を行うほうがサクラダファミリア教会に入るよりも幸福感を感じることが出来ました。 ガウディ―、おこらないでぇー。

🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦

🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦

🥦See you again!🥦



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