Hanazono Shrine, Shinjuku, Tokyo 🇯🇵🌸🇯🇵🌸🇯🇵🌸 - 04132022


Hanazono Shrine, Tokyo, Japan

My friends and I gathered together as it had been in Tokyo for a long time! I am so grateful to have friends who gather together and say, "Hey, since you haven't been here in a while, let's have a drink together!"

My friends who have lived in Tokyo longer than me took me sightseeing in Tokyo. Even though they are from Stockholm, Scotland, and Shanghai, and none of them are originally from Tokyo, but they have lived in Tokyo for a long time! They are more locals than most of Japanese who live in Tokyo. Since I have never lived in Tokyo, my friends taught me how to enjoy Tokyo the way "locals" do. The best way to enjoy Tokyo! 😉👍

I was surprised to see how much my friends, who were still speaking English when I met them a few years ago, were able to communicate mostly in Japanese when I met them this time. All of them even realized that I speak with very strong Kansai dialect. Well, good job you all! You all have improved so much even you can distinguish my dialect.  I was surprised at how much they had improved. I felt once again that I should try my best to study Swedish as well. 😃👏

The first place my friends took me to was a shrine in the middle of Tokyo called Hanazono Jinja (Hanazono Shrine). This shrine is very close to Shinjuku station, and I was very surprised at the world of silence that suddenly appeared amidst the hustle and bustle of the city.

With 3 million daily passengers, Shinjuku Station is one of the largest stations in the world. Since Stockholm's population is about 1 million, the station's size is surprising when you consider that more people than the entire population of Stockholm live in the city gather at this station. (Shinjuku station - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinjuku_Station )

This Hanazono Shrine, just a few minutes' walk from such a bustling Shinjuku station, was a very quiet place that made me forget the hustle and bustle of the Tokyo city.

The best way to enjoy a night out in Tokyo is to "Grab a drink from a convenience store and enjoy walking around the city at night with friends!" So I took my friend to a convenience store.

Convenience stores in Japan have become really convenient, and there are probably few countries in the world where you can buy alcohol 24 hours a day, anywhere, anytime.

I bought several bottles of Suntory beer at a convenience store and went to Hanazono Shrine with them. Time flew by as I talked with my friends in the shrine grounds about old times, life in Tokyo, work, and many other things. It's great to spend time with friends, isn't it?


久しぶりに東京に来たということで、友達たちが集まってくれた。 「せっかく久しぶりに来たんだから一緒に飲もう!」と言って、集まってくれる友達がいるってことは本当にありがたいなと思います。

スウェーデン、スコットランド、中国と出身地は東京以外なのですが、わたしより東京が長い友達たちに連れられて東京観光をしました。 わたしは東京には一度も住んだことがないので、友達たちが「地元の子(ジモピー)」が遊ぶ東京の楽しみ方を教えてもらいました。

数ねん前に会った時はまだまだ英語で会話していた友達が、今回会った時はほとんど日本語で会話が出来て、その上達ぶりにびっくりしました。 わたしもスウェーデン語の勉強を頑張ろうと改めて感じました。

まず友達たちが連れて行ってくれた場所は、花園人社という東京の真ん中にある神社です。 この神社は新宿駅からとても近く、町の喧騒の中、突然現れた静寂の世界にとてもびっくりしました。

新宿駅は一日の利用者が300万人と、世界でも有数に大きな駅です。 ストックホルムの人口が100万人程度なので、ストックホルム市内に住む全人口以上の人がこの駅に集まると考えるとその駅の大きさにびっくりさせられます。




コンビニでサントリーのビールを何本か買って、それをもって花園神社に行きました。 境内の中で友達と色々と昔話をしながら東京での生活、仕事、などなどいろんな話をしてるとあっという間に時間が過ぎていきました。 友達と過ごす時間はやっぱり最高ですね。

🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦


😍 @luvshares 😍 #luv 😍

by @stickupboys



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