Afternoon walk in the Mangrove Nature Reserve Park, Mati City

Pujada Bay is one of the Most Beautiful Bays in the World as declared by Most Beautiful Bays in the World (MBBW) committee. Part of Pujada bay is the Guang-Guang Mangrove Nature Reserve Park which covers more than 20 hectares of land area. This mangrove park is now an eco-tourism site of the City of Mati.

Last week, we had a walk on the mangrove boardwalk of the nature park. The city government recently constructed a boardwalk so that visitors and locales can view the thousands of mangroves without destroying them.

Upon entering the mangrove park, you will see this building where events are usually held. It also has a view deck but for now, it is a restricted area.

On the right side, you will see the Mangrove Nursery where mangrove seedlings are grown. These seedlings will be planted to vacant areas around na nature park.

Here are some of the seedlings in the mangrove nursery. I think these are ready for planting already.

On the left side is the area of the mangrove boardwalk. Here's the entrance where you will directed to the rules while having a walk in the place.

Visitors are reminded to maintain cleanliness, observe silence and not to take anything except photos. So here's some of the photos I took.

In the center part there is a higher viewdeck where visitors can climb and have a refreshing view!

And here's the view that you can from see above. You can see the mangroves and the sea view of the mangrove park.

The air is so fresh and you can hear the birds chirping. On the other side, you can see the cones of the mangroves.

There are different kinds of mangroves in the park, there are labels for the kind of mangrove which includes scientific name and local names.

I love the above view of the mangroves. And here's the exit part.

Part of our social responsibility as residents of Mati, last month, we had an activity in the Nature Park which was the Clean-up Drive and Mangrove Planting. We collected garbages from the mangrove areas.

Our afternoon walk in Mangrove Nature Reserve Park is really refreshing. We appreciate the beauty of nature which is our own here in our locality.

I hope you enjoyed this virtual walk with me!

Keep safe.


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