Exploring around the old centre of Calpe (Spain)


Calpe is a city that lies on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. It is not far away from the place I live, and actually, you may already see the road I take every time I go there. Rocky formations and those tunnels lead me to that paradise. The sun rises on the horizon and my Sundays start witnessing that miracle. I can see it over the huge mirror - the sea. That is where I have my morning gigs, on the part of the city that is by the sea. It's almost a year that I am having that job in the Hotel {if something you like and enjoy, like playing the piano, can be called a job ;)} and I always go just to that part of Calpe. Strange, but I have never visited the old centre, the antique part of it - until today.


I didn't even know that it has the remains of a stone wall from the 14th century. It was the wall that protected and surrounded Caple at that time. It has a cylindrical tower, tall walls and a gate. I have never imagined that for this city, knowing just the skyscrapers and tall hotels that I usually pass by. However, there is always a first time for everything, so for my exploring around that old part of the city too.


The "culprits" for this experience are my colleagues - two singers. We agreed to meet at 10 a.m. today in front of the church where we had to play at a wedding ceremony. We got booked a week ago, and it was a crazy week preparing the new songs that the bride and the groom asked for. Well, we learned everything perfectly, but we wanted to meet and practice at least once together.


So, I was there, and my son too in the role of the violinist, but the two singer colleagues were late. Not just a few minutes... So, I had thirty minutes to look around and see how the little square around the church looks like the antique walls and the narrow streets. And how they would be on a Saturday morning? Empty! They were empty.



There was a museum that was open, but I thought I would not have enough time to visit it too. In the end, I think I would have the necessary time, still, I didn't want to risk so I just passed by it.


I went back to the little square inside the protection walls where the church was located. No, my colleagues were still not there, but an antique car yes and the florists that were decorating it.


This is the church - our meeting point. The florists were working on the decoration but no one else was around.


The final result of the old car! Later, the groom, the bride and the guests came with it here (of course in turns as just two people can take seats there).


Realising that I still have time and no rehearsal will take place soon, I ventured into exploring the surrounding streets too. Not a big difference in the number of people around. Sleeping citizens and closed bars and restaurants.




Closed too:


...and closed this one too:



The name of this very cool-looking bar is Lapsus bistro. In the previous two photos, you could see some close details, and this is what the whole building looks like.


On the other side of the building, there were still interesting details, like a painting on the wall, a blue concrete bench, attached to the house and interesting plant pots.



Next to Lapsus bistro, there was a wall with a family tree, painted but the photographs of the people were real, framed and hung on the wall. Very nice idea and realisation of it.


Seems that people in Calp like to paint their houses, and not let them be just one-coloured. Apart from these paintings on the walls, I saw this house with painted details on the facade.


Decorated passages were not strange to see either.


Some paintings were hanging down from several balconies. Alegría, which is written here, means happiness!



A cute mailbox with a bee :)))


One of the very nice surprises was the digital information board about the city.


Just with one touch (well, with maybe more than one, you can read where to go, what to do, where to eat, Abit of history and similar. And all of that is available in several languages.



You can choose between Spanish, English, German, French, Dutch or Valencian to learn about Calpe.


My last stop was the church where we had our performance during the wedding ceremony. The colleagues arrived so we entered to have a rehearsal before the ceremony started. There were two parts of the church, a new, wide space with a lot of light from the windows on the ceiling. The other part was the old building, more intimate and with less windows. That is where the wedding was held.


As usual, the benches are decorated with flowers. Small details that make the place nicer!



In the end, it was good that I had that time to explore. The new part of the city of Calpe is very well known for me, but I am glad I had the opportunity today to meet the old centre too!


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