
This Saturday afternoon, my husband and I will take our very loyal red 2-wheeled vehicle.. 😊, we will take a walk to Binjai City Center where we were born and raised and form a family in this city of Binjai. 😂


Arriving at the city center Our goal is to the youth park which is not far from the Binjai City Government Center. In Binjai City there are several parks that you can enjoy and have their own functions, such as the Toddler park which is a park for children to play there, the Binjai City Government built this Toddler Park so that children can enjoy free play facilities such as slides, swings , and tunnels, fairy tale reading booths and more.



Meanwhile, the Youth Park was deliberately built by the Binjai City Government so that young people there can develop and find inspiration, or just sit back and relax.



This youth park is equipped with toilet facilities and garden fountains. However, because currently the Small-scale Lockdown in Binjai is still in effect, this park looks like it is not being maintained. Even before the pandemic existed, this park was very crowded with young people from all existing communities. Moreover, this Youth Park is located right at the Binjai City Government Center and is close to the Toddler Park and Binjai Merdeka Square.



This park is also surrounded by reflection rocks that are arranged close together. The purpose of making a reflection stone here is so that visitors can relax their bodies at the same time. Because this Reflection Stone is believed to be able to make the body's stamina improve and be able to strengthen and stretch the leg muscles, improve blood circulation, Overcome Tiredness and can reduce stress and launch the Digestive system, by stepping on the sole of the foot on the smooth rock for a while.



The Youth Park is also surrounded by various types of plants and flowers there, and there are several garden chairs that visitors can use to relax. And outside the park, we can find cotton sugar traders and other food traders there, but because this is still in a pandemic, many traders choose to close temporarily.




Not far from this Youth Park, we can also find some very interesting cafes, especially for teenagers. And around the park we can also find ATM machines, in this park area we don't need to pay everything is provided for free, we only need to pay parking fees of Rp. 2000.



Okay, so here's our story, it's time for us to relax and enjoy our quality time together. Stay healthy, obey health protocols, keep the spirit and always healthy for all Hive friends wherever they are, warm greetings from us Tomi Maya, from Medan, Indonesia

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