Replica of Noah's Ark : learn about history and enjoy the fresh air in the same place.


We don't have to live in the new era we will know something happened in the past. Like a crime that will never be perfect even though it must take a very long time to find the truth, as well as when we talk about past events which still need a lot of research to prove the truth. And until now there is still a lot of invalid evidence to complete all existing hypotheses regarding history or events that have occurred in the past. And as a religious believer I believe in my holy book the Koran that there are some things that will continue to be a mystery and we just need to believe in them.

And like my post today, I will share a story about the replica of Noah's ship in Sidikalang and still in the same area as the Sidikalang Faith Park. When I first saw this replica of the ship, forgive my dirty brain when I thought that this ship was similar to modern ships that I often encountered when traveling in Indonesia. But regardless of our assessment of the replica of this ship, we must be able to take the positive things that exist in this religious tourist spot of the prophet Noah's ship. And when I boarded the ship of the prophet Noah, there were more visitors who were Christians who were here, they came with their entourage to do religious tours as well as to perform Sunday services.



Unlike what I expected to see this replica of the ship. I think this ship was made a little outdated with ancient architecture that perfected the ship in ancient times, but it turns out that this ship is very modern and very cool with all the cool stretches of scenery at the location of Noah's ship. You have to capture the moment here, and not only have to capture the moment here, you can relax your brain that you have used to work for a long time, enjoy life for a moment, breathe clean air in the hills around Noah's Ship, and be grateful that our life is good.




If you want, you can also board this Noah's ship without paying. You can ride a little replica of the Noah's Ship and take pictures with your heart's content here. Around the Noah's ship, there are also fairly complete facilities, such as clean toilets, a room that has been provided for those of you who are Christians to do Sunday services, and at the location of this replica of the Noah's Ship you will also find a small church.



Tracing the road that goes up and down at the same time in this Noah's Replica Area, we can also see a long road filled with many colorful flowers that are on each side of the road. Bottom line this place is really cool. You can also do pre wedding photos here if you want..🤣😂





This replica of Noah's Ark that you see is made of wood. However, in reality all of these replicas of the Noah's Ark are made of cement and carved and painted to resemble the shape of wood, the perfect effort to create new tours and advance the economy in this region. I hope you like the story of my husband and I's journey that I have shared. Stay happy and healthy always for all of us. Greetings from us, Tomi and Maya from Binjai City, Indonesia. Thank you for your support so far.



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