Parparean Beach: Beach with fresh water and stunning white sand.


If in the previous post we shared many stories about the beauty of the sea in Banda Aceh City, now I will share stories about the beauty of Parparean Beach in Porsea, North Sumatra. It took 4 hours drive from Medan to this beach. If on the beach in Aceh the blue water tastes salty and the color of the water looks very blue, it's different with this Parparean Beach. The water at Parparean Beach is fresh water and the color of the water is not too blue and there are no waves at all here this is because this beach is actually water from Lake Toba so it doesn't taste salty at all. And because this flows from Lake Toba water so there are no waves The sea is here.



This new Parparean beach has actually been around for a long time, but the management has just developed this Parparean beach so that it becomes an attractive tourist attraction and is very feasible to be a new income for the area's income. Entrance to this beach is free. If we use a vehicle we only need to pay Rp. 5000 per vehicle if it is a two-wheeled vehicle. However, if we use a bus or private car, everything is calculated from the number of passengers we carry.





Talking about the beach, of course we also have to find out the type of sand. And coincidentally this Parparean Beach has clean white sand beaches without any rocks on the coast. Because the color of the sand is white, this beach is named Parparean White Sand Beach. We can freely take off our footwear here without fear of being hit by rocks or rocks there.



If you don't want to play wet on this beach, you can try to take advantage of the facilities on this beach. There are many interesting photo spots for you to enjoy, because this beach is also still in the development stage and is a regional promotion event so that the facilities in this area are still very new and we as visitors must guard this beach and don't litter.



On this beach there are also many small huts if you want to rest and put your luggage here. You can rent a hut here, it's not free, friends, unlike when you were on vacation in Banda Aceh yesterday. Elsewhere other rules. Or you can enjoy young coconut ice that you can order at this Parparean beach canteen. However, if you order on this beach, please be patient. Inhale then exhale or you can read the online novel first until the end for what? Ordering food here takes a lot of extra patience. Imagine ordering 1 bottle of soft drink, you have to wait for 1 hour. It's been so long that the thirst we feel is gone. It was replaced with annoyance so that after more than an hour we decided to run away before the order came..ha..ha, don't imitate our actions.




But for visitors to residents of North Sumatra, this beach is already very beautiful, but don't compare the beaches in Banda Aceh City, because it's very much different between the sky and the earth. And because we actually visited a lot of beautiful beaches in Banda Aceh City yesterday so this parparean beach in our opinion is normal. However, for those of you who have never been here, don't be sad because this beach is very worth visiting.











That's all my exciting story today, happy holidays and try. Greetings from us Tomi and Maya from the City of BInjai Indonesia. Stay happy and healthy always for all of us. Don't forget to stay tuned for our next posts. thank you

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