Let's have some dangerous ride's in Funland

Hello everyone!!

I hope so you all are fine and happy šŸ˜€

It's always have fun to visit joy land and amusement parks where you can enjoy and feel happiness like a little child.

This Saturday I went to fun land, it's located in our city but far from our house. We reached there almost at 1pm and stayed there for almost three hours. There's no much crowded at that time because people love to come in evening or after sunset. But as we're with children's of school so we've to reach home in evening.

When we entered in Funland there's a welcoming sign there, as it's written in both English and in our national language which is urdu.

There's a cute Micky mouse which show us the path to entering the fun land and it's look like it's ready to hug you. These both will light up in dark and look more attractive.

There's many ride's in Funland, some are dangerous and some are normal rides for children's too. I took 4 ride's out of which two are dangerous are and two are normal. I took dangerous rides for my own heart craving but i took normal rides for children's because they want to take a ride with their teacher.

First i took a ride on dragon. It's same like as pirate ship and it's little scary too as there's instructions on sign board too that soft hearted people aren't allowed to take this ride. I feel little headache after taking this ride.

But later i feel fine after having a cup of ice cream. Weather was pretty and it's awesome to have a cup of ice cream in autumn which gives you vibes of cold.

Later I took a ride on ferris wheel, it's not so a dangerous ride as people say. But yes some people don't feeling okay after having this ride.
Later on the request of my students, i took a ride on train which is totally a childish ride but I've had fun with them.

On the last I see 7D movie, it's the cinema point of Funland where you can watch a movie, as we're with little students so we see a normal movie which wasn't horror.

You can see here how children's were happy to have a Rides there.

There's a ride name called discovery, it's the most dangerous ride in Funland. When i entered the Funland i thought i took this ride too but i feel little headache after having a ride on dragon so i cancelled my plan to have a ride on discovery.

You can watch in video how much dangerous it is!!

  • We've had so much fun there and finally came back to home safe and sound.

  • That's all for today and all the images are captured by me.

Thank you for your time and support šŸ’«šŸ¤

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