Exploring Dong Giang Tea Hill

Hi guys!
Today I come back here to tell you about my new journey. Last weekend, it started to be sunny again after rainy days, so I decided to take a long trip with my girlfriend. We started looking for a few nice places on the outskirts of the city to explore. And we found a place that was well reviewed a few years ago, that is Dong Giang tea hill. So we found the way there, it wasn't too far for a day trip. I had to finish some work this morning, so we left at 9:30 am, a little later than expected.

Dong Giang tea hill is located in Jo Hay commune, Dong Giang district, Quang Nam province. It is about 45 km from the center of Da Nang, about 1 hour by motorbike. After about 1 hour of driving by motorbike, we started to see a lot of tea hills in front of our eyes and around. The hills here are covered with tea trees, so when you come here you can enjoy the cool air here.

First I want to remind you that you have to make sure your car or motorbike is full of gas, because there is no gas station here for you to refill. Secondly, if you want to stay over noon, you should bring food, because around this place is just a hilly area, quite a few people live, there aren't any restaurants. Finally, you should go slowly and surely because this area is steep, the road is a bit difficult to go. Wish you have a good experience here!

Dong Giang Tea Hill.png

Like I said, we started at 9:30, after about 1 hour driving by motorbike, we reached the above destination. The road at first was extremely flat and easy to go, but as you went deeper up the mountain, the road started to become more difficult to go, there were a lot of steep and bumpy roads. On the way, you will see a large welcome gate - the boundary between Da Nang and Dong Giang (a district in Quang Nam province), it is written with the words "Welcome To Dong Giang" very large on the top, that means that people here are extremely happy and warmly welcome guests to this land. Along the way, I also encountered a large temple here, it stood alone in the vast nature here. The temple is made on a large scale, there is a Buddha statue placed in the middle of the temple, this pagoda is called Dong An pagoda.






And finally, the hills covered with a lot of tea trees appeared before our eyes. Although it is already sunny in the city, the more you go up the mountain, the cooler you will feel and no longer see the sun. As you can see the mountains right in front of your eyes, as if you could hold them in the palm of your hand. Besides, the fog still lingers on the tops of the mountains which look extremely beautiful.

You can see around here there are many tea trees, the tea trees are planted in small clusters, these clusters grow far apart. Now the tea plants are being taken care of by the workers here, as you can see, it is in the process of growing. After the tea plants grow, the farmer will sell them to the merchants, the merchants will come here to cut and pack them and bring them down to the town to resell. Usually, elderly people like grandparents, parents often have the habit of drinking tea every day, it is a drink that has stuck with them for a long time. This is also the drink that the host often entertains guests when they come to the house. To cook them is very simple, you just need to wash the tea plants, break them into many small branches, then you boil them for a short time, and that's it, you have a very fragrant teapot right at home. Not only the elderly, but I also love drinking tea whenever I have the opportunity.

Besides selling to traders, people also sell to tea manufacturers to make different tea flavors. Producers will buy fresh tea, then they just separate the stamens of the tea plant to dry, then they will dry them until completely dry. They will pack them into boxes or packages to resell to shops. This is a form of industrial production, it will help the tea to be preserved longer, more fragrant.






















However, when I came here, looking at the scenery in front of me along with the cool atmosphere made me extremely comfortable. When we came here, we didn't see anyone on the farm, only a green plant. The surroundings were so wide, we ran in for a while to take pictures and then came back out.

This place was also once a favorite place for young people, they came here to take wedding photos, to visit, to learn. Now, it has become much more deserted than before. So we just stood there watching and taking pictures for a while and then left.





After taking a few photos and enjoying the beautiful scenery here, because of the time left, we decided to drive to Bho Hoong village to explore more. This village is more than 20km from the tea hill, about 30 minutes by motorbike. The more we go up the mountain, the road is really difficult to walk, but we still want to keep going there to discover new things. This village is also quite large, with many houses of people living here. There are many communal houses here, a typical type of house of the mountainous ethnic groups in Vietnam, you can see the picture below. Since the village is under maintenance and construction at the moment, we can't go any further. We rested at a small pub in the village, then we returned to the city that same afternoon. Although it was quite a long trip to go in 1 day, I was quite tired after the trip, but I was still very happy to know such a beautiful place.









And now I have the story and the images to tell you through Hive, I'm grateful for that. Hope you like my article, see you soon!

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