The scenery of Vietnam seen from the plane - breathtaking and majestic

Hello, travel community! It's Khoa again, today's article Khoa wants to send to everyone is an article about travel, the pictures in today's article, taken by Khoa through the window of the plane. These pictures were taken during her travels, on each of her trips, Khoa likes to sit in positions by the window of each flight. Through the glass of the camera, the window is a beautiful image of Vietnam, although the image quality has decreased a bit because of the mirror of the plane window, from above you can feel the beauty of Vietnam. beautiful rivers and 3 main cities of Vietnam. As everyone knows, Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia. In Southeast Asia, there are a total of 10 countries, established with a name called ASEAN, of which Vietnam is the 7th member of ASEAN. The geography of Vietnam is very favoured by nature and has potential for economic development, Vietnam is located in the tropical monsoon climate zone, the average annual temperature of Vietnam is from 70°F. to 80 ° F. It can be said that Vietnam is a country with a temperate tropical climate, the weather is very suitable for people to explore tourism. Vietnam owns a maritime border, from the north to the south. It has beautiful beaches and unspoiled islands, for those who want to experience the sea and islands. In addition to the coast, Vietnam is also one of the countries with a rich external river system, most of Vietnam's mountainous terrain accounts for more than three-quarters, so there are high mountain ranges, which all tourists believe in. Favourite backpacker when visiting Vietnam. As a tour guide, I am very happy to share the beautiful images of my country with all my friends around the world.

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In today's article, I would like to introduce to everyone the images of Vietnam from above. These images were taken through the windows of the plane. I don't know when I first flew on a plane, but I have a hobby that every time I travel, I will usually reserve a seat on the plane at the window. The camera is indispensable, for every trip I take. If the first days when I flew in Vietnam, in the first decade of the 21st century, people had only one choice to fly Vietnam Airlines, this is the national airline of Vietnam. After a period of explosive tourism development, Vietnam has had many more private airlines such as Vietjetair, Bamboo Airways, and Pacific Airlines, and after the epidemic period, Vietnam has a new airline to fly. is Viettravel Airline, this is the airline of the travel company that Khoa is working for. Among Vietnamese airlines, Vietjetair is the airline with the most competitive low price and the airline with the best service in Vietnam Airlines. Here are some experiences for you, for you to choose the appropriate airlines when people come to Vietnam to travel.

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The first images of the article were taken while landing the plane, in Da Nang city. Looking from the plane, people can feel the beauty of Da Nang city. The rivers of Da Nang city originate from the Thu Bon river, small tributaries flow through small tributaries, of the adjacent area of ​​Da Nang city. Landing at night, when Da Nang city lights up, is the most beautiful time. Seen above the city of Da Nang, is very similar to a human face. The curve below is the coast of Da Nang city.

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While taking off to Hanoi, the plane tilted to one side, I took a photo of the Son Tra peninsula in Da Nang. This place is known as the natural lung of Da Nang city.

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The next photo is of an island called Hon Ngoc island, this island belongs to Da Nang city, it is separated from Hai Van mountain. This island is uninhabited but is just a military island and a destination for tourist boats to rest.

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When the plane takes off from Da Nang airport early in the morning, you will see the sunrise, lying on the horizon of the sea.

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This image is Lang Co Bay, which is under the management of Thua Thien Hue province. This is also the area adjacent to Da Nang city. The next photo is of the Truong Son mountain range of Vietnam.

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This photo is the Da Nang Do Bridge, below is the Cam Le River

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On a plane landing at Da Nang airport, the weather that day was very bad and the plane had to fly around in the sky, I captured the Vu Gia river of Dai Loc Quang Nam. The second photo is taken at the Thu Bon River, which is the big river before crossing the small tributaries of Quang Nam and Da Nang.


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This photo is Cau Lau bridge in Quang Nam, below is the Thu Bon river.

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The next set of photos was taken by me while flying from other places to the Hanoi capital. Below are the neighbourhoods of Hanoi capital and Noi Bai airport. The roofs of Hanoi city are often covered with red roofs. Beneath the capital, Hanoi, there is a large river, named Red River. This is a river that originates in China and it flows through major cities in the north of Vietnam, the last tributary before emptying into the sea is the estuary of Nam Dinh city. It can be said that Hanoi city is the centre of the country's administration, the capital of Vietnam. During the Vietnam War, this place was bombed by the US army day and night, so today the capital Hanoi has many lakes and ponds, this is one of the consequences of the war left after the period of peace and unification. country.

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The next set of photos was taken from above of Ho Chi Minh City, during takeoff and landing. Ho Chi Minh City is one of the most densely populated cities in Vietnam, where it is the largest financial and economic centre in Vietnam. Formerly Ho Chi Minh City was known as the pearl of the far east in the region. Below is the Saigon River, viewed from above, this river flows very similar to the map of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh City's houses are built adjacent to each other. Because it is the main economic centre of Vietnam, it is a city visited by people all over Vietnam. This is the place to make a career and besides, it is also the place with the most evils. I also love living in this city, if you come to Vietnam, you should not miss Ho Chi Minh City.

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The last photos in today's article were taken while the plane was flying at a high altitude. I love taking pictures of clouds above, it's like a sea of ​​clouds. At this height it is possible to observe the clouds in detail, the clouds also have different animal shapes. My favourite thing is that before the plane took off, the weather below was not good and when the plane took off to a certain altitude, the weather started to get better and I will hope the weather in my destination will be better. More beautiful, a new day begins.

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Thank you all for reading my shared post, see you all in the next posts.

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