Hong Kong Trip 2023: Strolling at The Avenue of Stars

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Moving on from the Middle Road children's playground, we found our way to the Avenue of Stars, it was better taking this route actually as we don't have to worry about crossing the road. We stopped by this area first where there's a shoot setup. It was as if we were part of a film. Matti was super curious about what these statues were holding and we had to explain to him that the one on the right was holding a microphone while the other one was managing the lights.

A little boy can't just sit down so he had to hold and mic and do some audio checking as per the image below:

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The weather was hazy, I wonder if it was like this all the time in the Bay Area. From this point, we could see people at the Avenue of Stars. We moved forward taking that overpass.

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It was in Hong Kong that I got to touch a Tesla vehicle, it is not a common vehicle in the Philippines and there's none in the island where I live so it was nice seeing one and even getting up close with it as it was like a common car in Hong Kong. We were even planning to book an Uber and request a Tesla vehicle but for some reason, we had forgotten about it.

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Surprisingly, this part of Hong Kong is not busy! This shot above was taken while we were passing over. There's an artwork here that I am glad I didn't miss. Check the image below!

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Of course we took this opportunity to take some photos of our little one who was happy at that time, not sure why but perhaps because he had gone to the playground.

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There was already a crowd here, most people would stay up to the Symphony of Lights which happens around 8 PM every single night but I believe that most of these people here were tourists just like us. From above, we could see Bruce Lee, I mean the statue of Bruce Lee, it is standing on water, this was made in respect to his philosophy, "Be formless, shapeless, like water."

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It might not be very visible but there are another two monuments here, there's one for the daughter of Hong Kong, Anita Mui, and a young golden pig called McDull. You can spot it at the end of the photo above with its gold color popping out there.

But aside from the statues, there are also several other celebrity handprints found in the railings. I have not checked every single one of them but I have seen most and tried to even check if we had the same hand size! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take photos of us while in the avenue of stars, we simply just walked here, but I am glad that I took a photo of my husband and little one while looking at the Central Bay. The skyscrapers are mesmerizing!

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One of the things to adore here is the boats moving from the Tsim Sha Tsui port to Central. It still amazes me that huge ships were passing by and I am also trying to visualize that there's a train tunnel underneath which is moving people from this side of the border to the opposite side. We had taken the train a lot of times already but that time, we wanted to try their iconic ferry.

But first, here are some of the photos of the harbor and the skyscrapers at the opposite side.

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Our little one requested he wanted to ride on the stroller, and I felt he was already sleepy, the sightseeing bored him! Tehee, anyway, we took the elevator going down and started walking now towards the port. Our plan at that time was to take the Ferris wheel and our little one had been bugging us since day one about it but we were worried because he slept while on our way there. Anyway, he woke up just in time for us to ride which I will talk about it in the next blog.

More photos here:

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I never felt unsafe walking here until I saw this. Somehow, as I looked into this area, some panic attacks kicked in. It was not bad though, there were just some negative thoughts but I brushed them off. I know and am pretty sure the architects and engineers who planned and worked on this promenade made sure it could handle the weight and the pressure of the water! I love the wooden railings of the Avenue of Stars.

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It was not a problem just staying here as there are stalls selling foods and souvenirs. There's a mall as well which will keep you occupied if you get bored while at the promenade. There are designer shops and you can go shopping! But we just passed this part!

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Our goal was to get to that part right there, the observatory wheel! My little one got excited and woke up a bit just so I could take photos of them while at the harbor but he went back to sleep afterward! Love the structures they made there which Matti said are like a half mushroom, he was right! It also reminded

I reached 10,000 steps on that day! Indeed wearing comfortable footwear is a must when traveling. I am glad that my feet didn't hurt and that I was still willing to walk until the evening.

The Avenue of Stars is Hong Kong's most iconic sight. Everyone who's traveling to the country must see it personally and witness as well the Symphony of Lights. We had to take the ferry back to Tsim Sha Tsui because of this. I will talk about that in the next blog!

Thanks for reading!


Boholana | Cebu | Philippines | Travel | Photography Enthusiast | Calligraphy | Art
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