Good morning my dear community, today I want to share with you my experience at the SOUP FESTIVAL 😃🍵, an event that is held every year in the municipality of Caneça Portugal, as is usual at the end of the summer the best chefs in the area meet To present their best soups, there will be different soups to try, such as bean soup, chicken soup, or tomato and egg soup. Visitors can eat as many soups as they want and also enjoy a variety of activities for children and adults.


Buen día mi querida comunidad, hoy quiero compartir con ustedes mi experiencia en el FESTIVAL DE SOPA 😃🍵, evento que es realizado todos los años en el municipio de caneça Portugal, como es habitual al culminar el verano se reúnen los mejores chef de la zona para presentar sus mejores sopas, habrá diferentes sopas para probar, como la sopa de judías (granos), la de pollo o la de tomate y huevo. Los visitantes pueden comer tantas sopas como quieran y también disfrutar de una variedad de actividades para niños y adultos.


The activities for children were not long in coming, from inflatables to the mechanical bull and dances, the crafts of the area as well as other activities were presented at this festival.


Las actividades para los niños no se hicieron esperar, desde inflables hasta el toro mecánico y bailes, la artesanía de la zona como otras actividades se presentaron en este festival.


To complement it, a stage was placed where various singers and dance activities were presented with the presence of a television channel from Portugal, where the presenters are highly recognized in the country.


Para complementar se colocó una tarima donde se presentaron diversos cantantes y actividades de baile con la presencia de un canal televisivo de Portugal, donde los presentadores son muy reconocidos en el país.


After touring all the areas of the event, I had to choose which soup to have from the variety that was available. Personally, I had a pexe or fish soup and my lover chose a coentro or cilantro soup. In my case, the pepper soup was not enough. fish and accompany with a courato service, the curato is a bread filled with the skin of the grilled pork, there are two additional soups of my preference, which are cane or chicken soup and green broth soup, which is green vegetables accompanied by chorizo.


Luego de realizar el recorrido por todas las areas del evento toco elegir que sopa tomar de la variedad que habia, personalmente tome una sopa de pexe o pescado y mi enamorado eligio una sopa de coentro o cilantro, en mi caso no fue suficiente la sopa de pescado y acompañe con un servicio de courato, el curato es un pan relleno con la piel del puerco grillado, hay dos sopas adicionales de mi preferencia que son la sopa de caña o gallina y la de caldo verde que es vegetales verdes acompañada de chorizo.

Este festival tuvo un cronograma de actividades distribuido en seis dias dividido en dos fines de semanas, donde la cámara municipal presto el apoyo y parte de lo recaudado va a las instituciones de apoyos de personas de tercera edad, los invito todos los años para estas fechas se presenta este evento.

This festival had a schedule of activities distributed over six days divided into two weekends, where the municipal chamber provided support and part of the proceeds went to support institutions for the elderly. I invite you every year for these dates. this event is presented.

Thank you for taking a little of your time and enjoying my blog.

The photos are my responsibility and were taken with my iPhone 15 Pro .

Gracias por tomarte un poco de tu tiempo y disfrutar de mi blog.

Las fotos son mi responsabilidad y fueron tomadas con mi iPhone 15 Pro.

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