16th Century Rocks at the Ancient Lotus City

“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.”

–Jawaharlal Nehru

Some time ago, we decided to listen to our inner wanderlust and searched for a place to go. Armed with our little backpack with a bottle of water, our camera, and some good cheer, the farmboy and I headed on our weekend adventure to someplace we have never been before.

We arrived at the entrance, not expecting so much because we learned that when you expect less, you will get more surprises.


We supposed the gate said "Welcome!" for we didn't know how to read Chinese, nor spoke any of it. Oh, we actually did if these count: "Ni hao!" (Hello), "XieXie" (Thank you), LOL!


Anyway, the gate was welcoming. If you have read our Visit to the Goddess of Mercy, this was actually the same place, but there was a lot to see and do.

This is a golden lotus positioned just by the entrance. It was placed atop a rock, a natural one which the place is also famous for.


The red lanterns alongside the entrance didn't disappoint either! They are quite typical in Chinese places. If you have been to a China town, chances are, you would have seen them hanging down from trees or along the streets. They are cool accents to green spaces, don't you think?


Also around the area was a waterfall, which we didn't know if it was man-made or natural. Stories had it that this place, called the "Lotus Hill" was a city itself that was built in the 16th century.

The name of the hill is said to have originated from a fairy tale where an evil dragon living in the South China Sea often made waves at the mouth of the Pearl River which flooded farmlands and toppled ships. The disaster didn't stop until the Goddess of Mercy visited the place and when she saw the suffering of the people, she threw her lotus seat into the water to tame the dragon.

It was believed that the lotus seat have turned into a lotus stone which still exists today.

We also learned that the stones and rocks in this hill date as far back as many centuries ago. And we believe these rocks by the waterfall may have been part of the ancient city.


And when I say rocks, I meant these kinds (below). One would think these are concrete but legend has it that these are very ancient rocks that existed since the 16th century.


The rocks were tall probably around the size of a 2-story building or ever taller.



And it is admirable that they kept them where they were which made the place look and feel more natural.




And there were ancient carvings on some of them too. My apologies for the angles, I wasn't good at taking photos :)



We were astonished at how they have built this city back then, with no advanced technology and equipment.

Below this view deck was a man-made tunnel.


These were the tunnel walls. They were probably over 40 feet high, I am not really sure.


The tunnel's main entrance. There was an admission fee of 1RMB, which is really cheap. I think the fee was meant for its maintenance.


There was nothing to see inside though, just a short tunnel leading to a stairway up to where we can view the outside.



Well, it turned out this has been focused on the humongous rocks and stones. But I tell you, one wouldn't be bored when visiting it because as I mentioned, there were lots to see and this post has gone long already so I will share the others next time :)

We learned much, had so much fun that we even attempted to feed the rabbits, lol! I was just glad the passersby didn't stare. Or they probably did, but we just didn't notice, nor even cared for we were there to have fun and enjoy nature's bliss :)


Thank you for reading this far and Happy 'Hump' Day!

(All Photos are my own. Published on 12.01.22PH18:20)

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FarmGirl writes from their lil kingdom in the mountains of PH.
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