The day after the night before Oaxaca 2nd November 22

A piece of toast and a slice of watermelon does not work in the same way as a full english breakfast does when nursing a hang over.

Fucking Tequila!

Do I regret it?

Don't be so silly, got it all to do again tonight. Yeeeee Hawwwww

But let's just get through the day first.

Church of Santo Domingo de Guzmán, I didn't bother going inside, I was more interested in what all the photographs and words were about. I thought I would take a closer look and see what injustice was happening.

"Justice is selective for Oaxcan females"



  • Mexico as a country is ranked as having the highest rate of child sexual abuse in the world.

  • Oaxaca State ranks fourth nationally in child sexual abuse.

  • In 2022, just under 150 women and girls were murdered and since 2018, 540 women and girls murdered. No call it what it really is Femicide, killed just because you are female.

  • Indigenous and colonial cultures are associated with the patriarchy of domination over women; creating conditions for systemic violence against women


A system of society in which the father or eldest male is head of the family.

A system of society in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.

Sometimes I am ashamed to be a man.

Justice is a right not a privelige



So many beautiful young faces stared back at me, gone from this world.


I guess it is a bit of an enigma now why there are so many Catrinas around and about on the streets, enjoyed by all.



I guess life goes on, so let's look at some nearby artwork


The tree constructed out of welded together scrap metal adorned with some wonderful colourful skulls.





A random street market




I'm in love!
What a gorgeous pair of parrots


Lifelike sculpture


A clever use of bits of scrap, from copper piping to cog wheels and old watches all melded into the form of a heart.genius; expensive too.


I love this woman, not only as an artist, but as one of the greatest human beings that has ever lived. An inspirational role model for the youth of today.


Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte


A wonderful and unexpected procession making its way through the streets was a bonus


Santa Muerte, Our Lady of Holy Death,a personification of death, but also associated with healing, protection, and safe delivery to the afterlife. The great majority of her devotees, there are an estimated 10-12 million worldwide, are under the age of 30.

She is the patron saint of the outcasts - "protector of all perpetrators of delinquency and of those who feel neglected and marginalised by society, including migrants and the LGBT community."




Widely condemned by the catholic church who deride the following as a death cult for criminals and drug traffickers, Santa Muerte has grown massively in popularity, the population wising up to the fact that despite being the richest institution globally the catholic church do fuck all for them.





If I needed a religion I know which one I would choose.


During the night of June 21, 2020, a total of 17 people, 15 men and two women,of the indigenous Ikoots community were brutally murdered, part of a decade long fight against proposed erection of wind farms on their lands.

There has been abandonment by the National Guard for their safety and security.

There is a lot of money to be made by large wind energy companies and private investors into the "green agenda"

Corruption is rife in Mexico.



This is not an isolated incident it is recorded that a further 83, unsolved murders have been attributed to the Ikoots fight against these wind farms.

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Thanks for visiting my page, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. this is Stephen aka, @grindle, happily retired, travelling the world snapping away. My weapon of choice is currently a Nikon Z6(2). Unless stated all images are shot by me, all text is mine based on various info sources. NOT AI generated. If you like my blog, it would be very much appreciated if you upvote and follow me. Also, I enjoy interaction please feel free to drop a comment.


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