Sofia, Bulgaria, the capital city. June 22.

Saturdays in the UK can be crap, shops too crowded, roads too busy, and usually those two cretins, donnely and smackhead, macpartlin gurning on the tv, throw in that knob macyntyre and you have a set of the three most talentless odious creatures on british tv. Thank the lord for netflix.

I digress, where was I?

Oh yes

Saturday in Sofia, what a welcome relief. Though I am sure they have crap TV too.

Nice day for a white wedding




But first of all a short ride on the metro, which only came into operation in 1998, it has a total length of 32 miles and serves 47 stations. From what I saw it was spotlessly clean and beggar free.



Emerging back into the sunlight to have a look at the impressive Monument to the Soviet Army, built in the mid 1950's to honour the Soviet soldiers who died supporting the Bulgarian efforts during WW2. This was something that I was really wanting to see, as it is regularly graffed up by local students and activists alike.






Alas it seems no sooner is it painted than the local council turn up with their jet wash machines.
I've never been lucky.


As well as the main monument there are several others surrounding it, displaying various scenes of heroism in the face of adversity.






There is a very strong element within Bulgaria to have the monuments removed, but currently the Russophiles are winning the argument for it to remain.

We cannot eradicate history. We learn from history.

Alexander Nevsky
Patriarchal Cathedral



Built in the early 20th C to honour to the Russian soldiers who died during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–78, in which Bulgaria was liberated from Ottoman rule.

Hmmm, no graffiti and no movement to have this demolished, double standards?

Let there be Love

There were a few wedding parties about, it was strange that the ceremony actually takes place around the corner in St. Sophia's Church a very underwhelming red brick building, then they all troop over here for photographs outside the cathedral.


The sensible ladies slip off their killer heels to negotiate the uneven cobbles.


Good to see everyone has made the effort to look smart



My god last time I saw a line up like this I was driving through Holbek, in Leeds.



Gee, I really love you
And we're gonna get married




FFS! Smile man, SMILE


Spring is here, the sky is blue,
Birds all sing as if they knew
Today's the day we'll say "I do"
And we'll never be lonely anymore

phil spectre

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