Discovering the wildlife of remote beaches in Southern Bulgaria.

Today's story will take us to the remote beaches of the Black sea. Bulgaria is know for its long coastline, but few have ever visited those off the beaten path places. Now, I am not talking about Sunny beach of course. This on demand built resort is something from a travelers horror movie. We will go to places where you don't see a live person kilometers wide. Let alone a single tourist.

Firstly the beach I plan on taking you today is too far to get to without having a car. South of Burgas, the regional capital starts (for me) the best part of the Bulgarian black sea.

But we need to get there first... To many places you can't really drive a car even. Places so remote, they are serving as a hideout for refugees (we really did found some btw).

We have parked some three kilometers from the Silistar beach. One of the last places that remotely resembles a tourist destination.

Let me tel you, specially off season right now in European spring time, it is well worth it. The nature is blooming and all sorts of animals wake up from their winter sleep. To name a few we have seen bunch of turtles, frogs, lizards of all sizes and even snakes. Every few hundred meters something disappeared in the bush and we thought it must have been a snake based the sound of its size. And two times I have personally saw one.

For a while we were the only visitors on this remote place. Apart from few workers preparing for the summer season. Only an hour later few other people arrived to enjoy the sunshine.

After a little lunch break I have ventured a bit further on my own discovering how far would a small path took me.

Soon after a place of stunning beauty presented itself to me.

It is where I have met the most friendly lizard from the day.

It was shy at first but than even caught a fly right when I was taking pictures...

Than we have ventured the other way to see some of the cliffs near by. It resembled Scotland to me or some place like that. Definitely not a typical Bulgarian vibe at all. This is where we have taken a short cut and met a bunch of people that looked like refugees.

It is in fact a corridor from Turkey up to Europe...

Not a pleasant experience to be honest. Not that I have something against them but it reminds you how hard their journey must be. Hiding in the bush whole day waiting for a transport or long walk at night...

Apart from this sketchy moment it was absolutely awesome experience and I can only recommend southern part of the Bulgarian coast to everyone. Well maybe not to the average all-inclusive crowd. Forget all the conveniences and come to visit this wild place till it lasts.

All the best,

Global Local

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