Perfect neighbor // moon and planet .

Imagine you have to choose a perfect neighbor who whould you choose as next door neighbor , our choice must vary because our likes and dislikes differ and we are made to choice based on what appeal to us .

   Importance of a percect neighbor 

Can you imagine a more perfect neighbor than the moon and our planet , our moon is usually large when compared to it host planet , the moon has many benefit to it neighbor the planet.

The moon is the principal cause of ocean tides which places a pivotal role in Earth's rotation . The moon also contribute to the planet 's stape spin axis , imagine a phenomina where the planet is deprevied of this next door neighbor ! . Catastrophe, resulting in climtic, todal and other changes.

Perfect neighbor address
When you are writing adress about a person you include some details to make it easier for one to find the person in question , you put in the state , city , street , nearest junction and house number in same way let call our planet the city it located not too far ot too close to this ideal neighbor moon.
This habitant zone as it is called by scientists, contains just the right concentration of chemical elements needed to support life , just as each neighborh have a meaningful amount of space distancing them from each other ( flat).

  Danger of a neighbor 
Somethings our neighbors,  may turnout out to be a dangerous person and this one cannot qualify to be called a perfect neighbor and somethings we can get a neighbor,  who  get along with us and we can call this one a perfect neighbor . In the same way space is dangerous place where lethal radiation is common and meteoroids are ever present  , but like a perfect neighbor the moon is distance in a way it not too far to too near to the planet creating balance , because the earth is protected by amazing armour , a powerful magnetics field and a custom made atmosphere .

This power magntic field of the planet, protect us from the full intensity of cosmic radiation and other deadly forces emanating from the sun. This include the solar flares , solar wind and steady stream of energetic particles .

 Protective  cover fromHazard face by this perfect neighbor 

Ozone layer is a sufficient, efficient and dynamic protecting the solar system from the growing intensity of uv radiation rise protecting it inhabitants of from millions of object ranging in size with majority of them burning in the atmosphere and becoming bright flashes of light callled meteors .

Our neighbors activity can contribute postively or negatively to us, activity such as dumping of refuse on water way , indiscriminate burning of gases , and other activites that release co to the atmosphere can be hazardous to our place of abode the planet , in same manner the release of carbon gases affect our ozone layer leading to it deflection .
The perfect neighbor was it design or a coincidence
These earth atmosphere and magnetic field truly are marvels of design that are still not fully understood . The same can be say of the cycle that sustain life on the planet
Who design this neighbors first
You can belive with me that every building has a designer so is the case with our neighbors. Aircraft wings mimic the shape of birds wings. However engineers have taken this mimickery to new height.
Researchers are building a prototype of remote controlled drone with a seagull ability to hover , dive and climb rapidly as reported by new scientist what researchers are doing at the university of Florida.

After reviewing the evidence of this designs in nature many people will echo the the word of the bible writer paul, who said : (God's) invisible quality are clearly seen from the worlds creation onward , because the are perceived by the things made even his intenal power and Godship.

If human mimic the things God have created to make things like automobile and aircraft how much more the one who made us all can he not do so.

This show that there is a wise person who place this two perfect neigbours in a place where the are not too far or too near to each other but still benefit each other with bring lasting harm to one another and this one deserve of our praise because his power invisible power are seen by the things he made the wave, air and ocean , moon , solar, planet, ☀️ , truly he is a create design and maker of the perfect neighbor.

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