Nairobi National Park to Acacia Camp, a busy first day on Safari

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I'm so excited that the group had this close encounter with white rhino. This is a species that is not so common in this part of Africa.

Nairobi National Park, nestled just outside the bustling capital city of Kenya, is a unique and remarkable wildlife sanctuary that offers a surreal juxtaposition of urban and natural landscapes. Established in 1946, it holds the distinction of being the only national park in the world located within a city's borders. Despite its proximity to the bustling metropolis of Nairobi, the park spans over 117 square kilometers and boasts a diverse array of ecosystems, from open grasslands to acacia woodlands. Its scenic beauty is complemented by the backdrop of the city skyline and the towering Mount Kilimanjaro in the distance, creating a surreal panorama that encapsulates the harmonious coexistence of nature and urban life.

Home to a rich tapestry of wildlife, Nairobi National Park provides a haven for numerous species, including lions, giraffes, zebras, and a variety of antelopes. The park's unique setting allows visitors to embark on a safari adventure without venturing far from the city center, making it a popular destination for both locals and tourists. Nairobi National Park stands as a testament to Kenya's commitment to conservation, offering a glimpse into the country's incredible biodiversity while highlighting the importance of preserving natural habitats in the face of urbanization

Entering our first National Park of the trip, Nairobi National Park.

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Our first big sighting happened to be the biggest of the antelopes, Eland. The males can get up to around 2000lbs.

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This little bee eater delighted the group with its vibrant colors.

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Female impala in the late afternoon light.

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This is a great Africa safari scene. I see impalas, hartebeest, zebra, and rhinos all in the same meadow.

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Two sleepy lions under the train tracks. Anyone ever seen 'The Ghost and the Darkness?'

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A young baboon lit up by a ray of sunshine.

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Olive baboon in beautiful lighting.

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Nairobi National Park is literally right next to the city of Nairobi. The buildings can be seen in the not so distant background. I think it would be hard to concentrate if you were working at one of these buildings and you could look outside and see giraffes roaming around.

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A family of beautiful Crowned Cranes stuck close together in the grass of Nairobi National Park.

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We had a close encounter with these endangered white rhinos.

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Zebra dot the landscape here at Nairobi National Park. This plains zebra was lit up by the late afternoon sun.

The new railroad goes right through Nairobi National Park. There were actually two male lions sleeping next to the concrete pillar here. Talk about a train with a view!

Next stop after the park was Acacia Camp. This is one of the hidden gems on our itinerary that not many people know about. Nestled within the enchanting Swara Plains Conservancy in Kenya, Acacia Lodge stands as a secluded haven, offering a unique blend of luxury and natural beauty. Surrounded by vast savannahs and acacia-studded landscapes, the lodge provides an intimate and immersive experience in the heart of the African wilderness. With a commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism, Acacia Lodge is designed to harmonize with its surroundings, allowing guests to connect with nature while enjoying the comforts of modern amenities.

We just have one night here, but it is enough for everyone to fall in love with the rustic charm of Acacia Camp.

A huge fire pit draws you in. I couldn't help but grab a local beer and sit at the fire before and after dinner.

Am I a princess? No, someone just set up my mosquito net around my bed at Acacia Camp.

The dining area at Acacia Camp is open air, under a huge tent.

Our bungalows at Acacia Camp.

I've been coming to Acacia Lodge for over a decade now and it only gets better.

Our trusty ride, the extended Land Cruiser safari vehicle.

Too soon our time at Acacia Camp has come to an end. Our driver, James, is here and ready for the long drive out to West Tsavo National Park. While we are all not yet ready to leave, we are excited for the next step of the safari.

Check out the location of Nairobi National Park here on pinmapple: [//]:# (!pinmapple -1.38273 lat 36.86078 long Nairobi National Park d3scr)

And keep traveling!
-Dai Mar

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