EuroVelo 7 - Spandau to Zehdenick 75km

I have good news, today it's a sunny day and I am always grateful for a sunny day while bike touring, it makes all the experience more enjoyable and for me this is all about: joy and simplicity, living in the present, closer to the nature and its elements. It's the thing I do to recharge my batteries away from the city noise and the daily routine, in contrast with the modern on screen life which feels harder to disconnect from these days.

Day 2 map
Day 2 map

Nieder Neuendorfer lake is one of many beautiful lakes on the Havel river
Nieder Neuendorfer lake is one of many beautiful lakes on the Havel river

Berlin - Copenhagen bike route info panel
Berlin - Copenhagen bike route info panel

I like what the local authorities did here with this info panel. Why not go explore a bit further?

Ex GDR border watchtower
Ex GDR border watchtower

This tower built in 1987 by the East German government was a command center for a 10 km border section. It was one of the 302 watchtowers erected around West Berlin, out of which only four are still preserved. Since 1999 the tower of Nieder Neuendorf is listed as a historic monument in Brandenburg.

Attention to all, I see one guy on a bicycle approaching from the east!
Attention to all, I see one guy on a bicycle approaching from the east!

Before, to divide people
Before, to divide people

After, to connect people
After, to connect people

Same concrete line not to be crossed before is now used to connect people and bring joy in their lives, what a beautiful transformation!

After the tower visit I can only express my gratitude I am living in such good times and be able to travel freely even in the current pandemic context.

Good for families with kids doing their first bike touring experience together
Good for families with kids doing their first bike touring experience together

This part of EuroVelo 7 which is common with the local Havel route is perfectly suited for touring with kids. It is flat and there are many places like this where the family can stop and enjoy the unspoiled nature this region has to offer, swim in the lake, playing with sand, sunbathing, after all bike touring should be a fun experience for everybody, especially for the kids if you want to repeat the experience with them anytime soon.

Which one do you prefer discovering the Havel with? Bike, boat or both?

I guess his answer is both
I guess his answer is both

Bike route separate from the road, now this is sign of a developed country in my opinion.

Signalling done right
Signalling done right

Love cycling in Germany
Love cycling in Germany

And we are back at the river Havel in Oranienburg after the route made a detour for a while. 

Perfect timing for a swim?
Perfect timing for a swim? 

Yes it is!
Yes it is!

The Havel river which I love already is 325 km long and for much of its length is navigable being an important waterway connection between east and west Germany. It is a direct tributary of the Elbe and its source is located somewhere in the Mecklenburg Lake District. Its main tributary is the Spree river which joins the Havel in Spandau after flowing through Berlin from east to west. In the summer time river Havel becomes the main attraction for the locals who come here to enjoy a boat ride or to cool off after a hot day in the city.

Some gravel for variety is good
Some gravel for variety is good

Cool classic VW van
Cool classic VW van

Can’t refuse a Trabant ice cream
Can't refuse a Trabant ice cream

Since I write this post in October I am wondering how beautiful this forest should be now with all those leaves changing color and falling down.

Sometimes I just need to stop to grasp all this beauty around me
Sometimes I just need to stop to grasp all this beauty around me

Let's keep on looking, keep on searching, keep on moving and we'll get a little further.

This portion of EuroVelo 7 cycling along one of the Havel canals to Zehdenick was one of my favourites bike touring moments this year and reminded me of cycling in France on EuroVelo 6 along the Canal du Centre and Canal Lateral a la Loire. I recommend you check one of my previous posts for inspiration if you like cycling along canals like this.

You’ll not find this in the meta-verse
You'll not find this in the meta-verse

Zehdenick main square
Zehdenick main square

My home for tonight for about 15 EUR
My home for tonight for about 15 EUR

Arrived a bit late at Freihafen Mildenberg camping but just in time for a hot shower and a cold beer.

Hope you enjoyed our trip so far, see you soon for our third day of bike touring along the beautiful Havel river.

Until next time,

©Discover EuroVelo

All photos were taken with my iPhone 11 and Sony DSC-HX60V camera.

EuroVelo, the European Cycle Route Network are registered marks of ECF asbl.

I have no affiliation with EuroVelo or other organisations mentioned here, I am just a traveller sharing his views and opinions.

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