My RE&E Journey in Auz & Te Waipounamu: Day 32, Morialta Celebrated

Morialta Conservation Park is part of a chain of parks in the Adelaide Hills. Hiking end-to-end will cover over 50 miles of up, down and all-around, which is part of what makes this area so much fun. View lines are constantly changing from rocky walls, lovely forests and city views.


This is a look over the edge of First Falls. One popular track takes you past First, Second and Third Falls within 2 miles. Getting along can be done the easy, gradual way, the steady wake up way, and the HIIT way, my favorite.


My friends used to live a block from the primary entrance. There were many mornings when I would mix and match tracks with coffee in tow, enjoying kangaroo, lizard and koala along the way.

The next photo is just past Second Falls. By this point, the track is sublime, with a gentle creek that soothes to body and soul.


Your much closer to rock walls along this stretch that are laden with caves. It's just as likely to come across rock climbers here as hikers. Some, like the one pictured, can take on a personality all their own.

I call this one Angry Kitty.


Koala generally dot the area. This one was on a limb about 15 feet above the track. Like most, it could care less about our presence below.

Koala's primary food are Eucalyptus tree leaves. The trees, known as gum trees, come in different varieties, and koala will stick to one type throughout their lives. Regardless of type, the leaves are extremely dry and fibrous, which is why koala sleep 17 or so hours each day to digest them.


One more thing: they stink!😖

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