My RE&E Journey in Auz & Te Waipounamu: Day 19, Part 2, Majestic Milford Sound

I've been trying to keep my travel blog entries brief, limiting each one to three or four photographs. But my day at Milford Sound deserves more, so here's Part 2.


It begins with the drive into the park region. The clouds are unlike any I've seen. They linger along ridge faces, caressing them as the new day dawns. The road evolves from countryside to serpentine as we climb. Then, a tunnel. One lane; wait for the signal. Once through, the plunge down a windy, steep grade to out departure point. No images here, as my car mate would have killed me on the spot. Eyes on the road, buddie!


Once parked and water taxied to the Milford Track, we ventured on. Our companion river and the forest canopy greeted us with glistening sunlight and soothing sound, while birds stealthily monitored our progress.


Every so often, there would be a clearing. A spot to peer out from the forest to the majestic mountains and cascading falls that left no doubt who was in charge here. So many cascades. Some permanent, some temporary runoff from recent rains, all feeding this special place.


As we made a final turn, a mile high peak shared it's scar. A reminder of just how young all of this formation is, how we are mere flickering moments within their existence, and how spectacular the planet is.

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