Ross Castle

Good morning my dear hive friends..

Yesterday was amazing day.. Perfect for tour around the Ross Castle

Ross Castle is a 15th-century tower house and keep on the edge of Lough Leane, in Killarney National Park, County Kerry, Ireland. It is the ancestral home of the Chiefs of the Clan O'Donoghue, later associated with the Brownes of Killarney

Machicolations were stone structures at the top of the castle protruding out from the wall with a hole in the floor. There are two on Ross Castle, one over the front door and another on the back wall. The one at the front would allow defenders to drop stones or boiling oil on attackers at the front door, the only entrance to the castle.

The castle was amongst the last to surrender to Oliver Cromwell's Roundheads during the Irish Confederate Wars,[5] and was only taken when artillery was brought by boat via the River Laune. Lord Muskerry (MacCarthy) held the castle against Edmund Ludlow who marched to Ross with 4,000 foot-soldiers and 200 horse; however, it was by water that he attacked the stronghold. The Irish had a prophecy that Ross could never be taken until a warship could swim on the lake, an unbelievable prospect.

Surrounding of the castle is amazing..

Lots of ducks and swans

If you want to know more about it here is the source

This is amazing turistic destination. So if you have any intention to visit Ireland this would be amazing experience for you

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