Hello from Crypto Gordon Freeman - A (hopefully) Heroic Introduction

Who is Gordon Freeman? (other than the obvious)

This is my "hello world" to Hive. I started out on STEEM and got a little bit further than saving passwords and reading, re-reading instructions on a post pw versus a serious full-on pw, and not long after just found it a little too 1997-internet to remain focused.

But, be it Twitter or Discord, I continuously met truly amazing people from the STEEMit world. (I guess we're gonna test this whole 'no censorship' thing Hive's got goin' on with my Twitter profile link) I was doing TA, or technical analysis on a YouTube channel, but it felt restrictive and constrained. I didn't really want to approach crypto as a company; I wanted to be free to joke, poke others in the side, lift people up, write satire, make a video, say what I wish.

I decided to make <Gordon's> own personal Twitter feed, essentially to write satire about crypto, because this tiny-yet-growing world of crypto is pretty easy to joke about. And then, there's this thing called the coronavirus. Not quite as easy to be funny when you're worried about your family and slightly-liked-ones (loved ones but for 2020).

I started writing "stuff" on Publish0X (yeah, but don't go there... stay here... same stuff coming!) and found that my strong concerns about the condition of the world, and cliches on crypto, were resonating with people there. Truthfully, I am aspiring to "make it" as a day trader. This is my 3rd year, and it feels as if it has been a crash course in a decade's Wall Street career, but you know, that version where you sit at home, worry, and crush it.

So, some really kind and inspiring people encouraged me to get busy and dig in on Hive. I am here, and I am now doing so. So many things in the world, and specific to crypto, are about hype, promotion, marketing yourself, putting yourself "out there" and yeah, we've all gotta hustle, especially now since the economy's gonna break. But, the STEEM community pre-Sun was truly something different and inspiring to me. I met people that believed in a coin for what it represents, not something they can shill for a $.

There was something unique and heartfelt about their accomplishments, and I'm sure it had much to do about earnings helping to lift people out of poverty. That's becoming an increasing concern all around the globe now. People with decades of careers are unemployed the U.S. to the tune of 35,000,000, and though they plan to report- 15-20% job loss, the truth is it close to 40% and we're feeling the pressure. Now more than ever, I care about making a connection with people who have something to fight for, and want to feel some wind in their sails from others that often give a darn.

I'm going to hit three posts to continue this "about me" journey. One of them is about what happened at the start of 2020, before the crushing blows of reality. The next will be about the true "who is Gordon?" topic. The third will be my hopeful journey forward after a third major setback with yet another crypto exchange (shocker, right?).

Thanks for reading this introduction. My aim is to inspire, make you think, perhaps educate, make you laugh or at least appreciate the irony, and if I finally get the day trading on track, I will teach you what is working, because if mass adoption is ever going to work with crypto, we all need to lift one another up before this stupid virus thing takes all of our time and freedom with it. Feel me, Hiver-town?

By the way, if you made it this far, someone tell me (because you seem more interesting than Google, and I refuse to listen to anything Cortana has to say) what is the proper way to address the Hive community? Hivers? Hive-mind? The collective? The Borg (for the Trekkies). Speaking of which, Hivies? Seriously whatsit?

Thank you again.

And for now...

Gordon Freeman Out

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