Python Libraries: Show DTube Abuser Rewards


I debated on whether to release this code to the public or not. What I generate is generally positive, and not something to hurt or remove the rewards of others.

Some of you may know that a small group of Whales and Orcas have been waging a mini-war on DTube content. For one, the owner of this account publicly despises HIVE as a chain, stating as much in his memo transactions. I am part of this group and will try and explain why before I show you the code.

...'I don't like this kind of shit, if you are part of us.., fucking behave as though you want to be here and part of HIVE'...

Unlike other curation incentives, all you need to do is use the #dtube tag to gain a vote of between $1 and $2 per post. You do need to add your content to using their interface but the quality does not matter.

In a short period, you will be on the approved DTube list and can ship out any old bullshit to gain your daily rewards. Some of us see this as abuse and the owner does not give a crap, is non-contactable, and would do anything to hurt HIVE. We had to take matters into our own hands.


The worst of them posts FIVE times a day and thankfully is taken care of by @themarkymark. @rongibsonchannel has 56 pending payouts, all dtube nonsense that nobody ever looks at and you can see by his account that he has no intention of ever interacting with anyone on HIVE.


This is one of my gripes about these people. Small accounts, they follow none or a few, power-down a lot, send the HIVE to exchanges, nobody is interested in their content, nobody comments, and comments are generally ignored if they do.

...'what you see is the kind of bullshit the 'HIVE Cabal' as named by @world-travel-pro.., objects to'...

I have a conscious and do feel that I am denying someone from a poor country some easy money, but then I have to tell myself that I earned my stake by hard work and buying it with 'that real money'.

While I don't begrudge anyone new starting up, what they produce needs to have worth. I think all the users on the list you are about to see are posting to get the free vote and for no other reason.

...'an account named @3threespeak lovers would fit better on HIVE'...

We have been getting some help from a person I wont name, but who does a lot of anti-abuse and seems to have a nose for sniffing out bunches of accounts being mass-created and then jumping on the DTube abuse wagon purely to take advantage.


Show DTube Abuser Rewards

This script looks at a list of users, checks their pending rewards and if any contain the tab #dtube will increment a post variable and a reward variable, finally showing the results.

Red means there are pending rewards. Green means all the rewards from that account have been zeroed by us, the terrible 'cabal' downvoters.


Subsequent runs of the script may see users dropping off the radar but as long as they remain in the abusers[] list, re-runs of the script will reveal their return and worst of all show them close to the top.

I deliberately leave users on the list as they tend to disappear after being downvoted, only to return in 11-12 days and have another go. It's not going to work so go away, fuck off... and give up.

The list will simply grow longer and we will take care of any new ones adding them to the end.


This could be changed to any other tag, and this script could be adapted to find any tag or used in a different way than I intended it to.

Much of it is re-used code from other scripts I have written though I had not used the get_author_rewards() method before. Notice the 'SP', talk about legacy!


Inadvertently I figured out how to get rid of those unsightly errors and that is to use the 'set_shared_blockchain_instance(hive)' just after the node configuration.


If you don't use it, you see this shitty mess before your code starts up…


And if you do.. the much nicer (below screenshot), and don't forget the import statement


When run, the script produces output such as the below, and if there are red entries they are dealt with by any of us 'harbingers of doom' destined to clean up this dtube mess.


If you see yourself on this list, then why don’t you use @3speak? I understand their content is curated and if deemed good will get a larger vote than dtube will offer. The owners of 3Speak at least care about HIVE.

We don't want to scare away people, we want good people who interact with the community, give as well as take, and don't shill HIVE to be scammy and rubbish to the outside world.


I guess some of you are not going to agree, but as we have always said, the 'stakeholders can use their stake how they see fit'.

The half-dozen of us (who I won't name) are in the same mindset and will try and keep away this abuse and add those rewards back to the pool for more deserving content.


A generic version of the full script can be found on my GitHub Repository here


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