How To Install Times New Roman Font in Ubuntu

So you find yourself here after typing How to install Times New Roman Font in Ubuntu. Congrats! because I am going to tell you the no BS and quickest way to have Times New Roman installed for your Libre Office and WPS.


Many institution and college still require documents to be written in that font. If you come at me and present me your argument why they shouldn't, I have no idea, please speak to the higher ups instead of me. But to save your time and to save you from headache. Here's the easy How To Guide that is filling the gaps of other similar result. There are over 1,400,000 results (0.51 seconds) writing about the same damn thing but guess what? they are incomplete and has some error which I would like to point out in this one.

First go to your terminal


sudo add-apt-repository multiverse

Your terminal will tell you if you have it or not. Either way, go ahead.

Second, Install the font using this command

sudo apt update && sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

You will have to wait until a screen of TOS and you have to click OK.

Third, Update your font cache

sudo fc-cache -f -v

After it is done, you have successfully added Microsoft Fonts in your system. So, the font that you are looking for especially Times New Roman will be available when you open WPS or Libre Office.

Fourth, open your Libre office or WPS to check

But Mac.... I forgot to press OK during installation. What can I do since it doesn't show up?

Don't worry I got you !

Run this again and don't forget to click OK this time.
By the way, the other blog was not mentioning this nor also creating error in the command because it uses "install" first instead " reinstall" which didn't work in my case. This is the correct line of the code.

sudo apt reinstall install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

If you have done this, don't forget to repeat the THIRD step.

And that's it. I just saved you from scavenging through forums & reading a lot of things that may give you a bit of unnecessary headache just because your workplace/study place requires you to use that TIMES NEW ROMAN for your paper.

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