Citizen Science Entry 1

Here's my first entry to Le Mouth's citizen science program. In the interest of catching up with the rest of the participants these posts will be a bit... spartan.

This entry proceeds quick: I built a Docker container to install and run MadGraph software. Then ran the commands @lemouth outlined in his post.

Here's the steps I followed on an Ubuntu 20.04 container:

# $ wget
# $ tar xf MG5aMC_LTS_2.9.9.tar.gz
# $ cd MG5_aMC_v2_9_9
# $ pip3 install six
# $ ./bin/mg5_aMC
# MG5aMC>install lhapdf6 
# MG5aMC>install pythia8

Most of the commands above were taken from Le Mouth's first post in the citizen science program. Below is a screenshot of MadGraph running in a container on Windows.


And that's it. Until next time all you lovely people :).


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