Mathematics - Discrete Mathematics - Combinations and Permutations

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Hey it's a me again @drifter1!

Today we continue with Mathematics, and more specifically the branch of "Discrete Mathematics", in order to get into Combinations and Permutations.

So, without further ado, let's get straight into it!


A n factorial is the product of the n first natural numbers. It is denoted by n!. Additionally, the factorial of 0 is defined as 0! = 1.


For example:

Binomial Coefficient

For any natural number n and k, with 0 ≤ k ≤ n, the following number, known as a binomial coefficient, is defined:

Being read as "n choose k", it can be interpreted as:

  • the number of ways (combinations) to select k objects from a total of n objects
  • the number of subsets with cardinality k of a set with cardinality n

For example, "4 choose 2":

This is also the thumbnail of the post...


A combination is the selection of some or all objects from a given set of objects, where the order doesn't matter. The number of combinations of n objects, where r are taken at a time is denoted as C(n, r) or ncr.

The answer to any such problem is the binomial coefficient "n choose r":


A permutation is any arrangement of a set of n objects in a given order. The number of permutations of n things taken all at a time equals n! .

Any arrangement of r objects of a set of n objects in a given order is a r-permutation. It is denoted by P(n, r) or npr, and given by:

With Repetition

The previous equations are about combinations and permutations, where repeating isn't allowed. With repetition, the result is different.


The number of permutations of r objects from n where repetition is allowed is given by n r.

For example, 8 bits can be arranged in 2 8 = 256 ways.


The number of combinations of r objects from n where repetition is allowed is given by:





Mathematical equations used in this article, have been generated using quicklatex.

Block diagrams and other visualizations were made using

Previous articles of the series

  • Introduction → Discrete Mathematics, Why Discrete Math, Series Outline
  • Sets → Set Theory, Sets (Representation, Common Notations, Cardinality, Types)
  • Set Operations → Venn Diagrams, Set Operations, Properties and Laws
  • Sets and Relations → Cartesian Product of Sets, Relation and Function Terminology (Domain, Co-Domain and Range, Types and Properties)
  • Relation Closures → Relation Closures (Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive), Full-On Example
  • Equivalence Relations → Equivalence Relations (Properties, Equivalent Elements, Equivalence Classes, Partitions)
  • Partial Order Relations and Sets → Partial Order Relations, POSET (Elements, Max-Min, Upper-Lower Bounds), Hasse Diagrams, Total Order Relations, Lattices
  • Combinatorial Principles → Combinatorics, Basic Counting Principles (Additive, Multiplicative), Inclusion-Exclusion Principle (PIE)

Final words | Next up

And this is actually it for today's post!

Next time we will continue on with more on Combinatorics...

See ya!

Keep on drifting!

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