With HIVE WITNESS voting as the Human stake owned BASE layer for a QUANTUM COMPUTER Queue, access to Expensive Quantum Computers will be the new currency, with Quantum Computers replacing Bitcoin Miners as their access comes in high demand.


Quantum Computer List + Quantum Resistant Hive Blockchain Witness Voting = Quantum Financial Network ... Layers


The base layer is the human stake ownership layer of users who vote on a 20 witness system for control of the quantum computer network .

In the youtube video I noticed a list of Quantum Computer's she had to select to use, and begin your wait in a Quantum Computer Queue hmmm kind of like a remote pixar rendering farm but for quantum computations lol next level!~ Reminds me of the GOLEM token for Unity and ethereum that let you mine tokens by rendering 3d scenes etc - allowing peopel to pay in their erc20 , for more processing power, which would be really great for artists.

Now imagine decision makers using teh quantum computer network to slowly vote in via Hive and @telosnetwork proposals, which questions SHOULD be asked.... to determine any number of solutions for making hive's inner mechanics more efficient from reward pool math, to the perfect hive engine business proposal for the perfect token, to even when to make trades against btc and other coins to conduct price arbitrage to use hive's brain power to literally TRADE our way to higher @hivedao or reward pool fundinG!

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