Five Reasons Why I Like PeakD


I am not a heavy user of Blockchain. Though it was a journey of 8 months, about half of that time I was detached from blogging due to some family issues.

That's why I passed totally few times on last one year with steem and hive. Specially when hive blockchain was being initiated, on that time I was on offline. That's why I came to know about PeakD later.

Again I started my journey with the new blockchain hive. On that time I found PeakD. I used it occasionally, but with passing of time I got it very much suitable for me.

Today I will discuss about 05 major reasons that's why I like and suggest about this interface..

Reason 01: User friendly interface

How many interfaces and apps I have used on hive blockchain, this is the most user friendly window I ever experienced. I think its interface is very easy going and simple for new users.

Most of the new users are experienced by other social medias like Facebook, Twitter etc. When they got something new on social media like PeakD, they would like to compare it with that apps.

But there is a dilemma. If the new interface resembles to Facebook, Twitter etc., they become bored and If the new interface is totally different from the olders, then they lost interest and become to claim that it is not user friendly and so tough to use.

From that point of view, when a new user like to start using PeakD, he will found it something different with new features then the others that he experienced earlier, but not so complicated. That's why I think people must like it.


Reason 02: Unic utility

When a user of blockchain uses any terminal, he has demand about some features that makes him facilitated and save his time. This is the main utility of any site. Otherwise why will you use PeakD rather than other Blockchain sites?

According to the utility and features, I think it is a very much useful interface for hivers. For example, when I am looking for knowing about who upvote me and what is the contribution of the their upvotes on my income, it is easy to find here. It doesn't require to go through the full post.

Hence it is less time consuming and easy going.


Reason 03: Easy Analytics

Analytical side of PeakD is very much lucrative. When you want to analyse activities at a glance, you may need some statistics and graphical representation.

It is very easy to overlook and just analys anyone's activities on hive blockchain by looking at his analytics. It will represent some pie chart, bar chart etc that expose your activities on a systematic way.


Reason 04: Posting on different way

You may post here on something different way than other interfaces like Hive blog or Esteem. Here you have to write (optional) a short description about the post that will give the preview of your writing.

This short description attracts the reader to go through your post. It's a filtering system that when you read others post, you can get filtered your choice in very short time by reading short descriptions.

You can tag here up to 10 related words that is a very nice opportunity for reaching to more audiences.


Reason 05: Scheduled post

Sometime the timing is a factor for ghe blogging posts. If there is a wrong timing, then your valuable post may not be treated according to its quality. Because maximum people may not reach to your post.

When an user come on hive, they will see the most recent posts and may miss your content that was posted on earlier.

That's why if you want to post on a scheduled time, it is very suitable to reach maximum readers.

PeakD give me that opportunity to post later by scheduling. I think this feature gives PeakD more attractive look on this blockchain.

I wish I will discuss soon about 05 major limitations of PeakD that faces during the time I used it


About Me:


I am Tariqul Islam
Like Blog, Vlog, Writing, Photography & Art
Hive: @tariqul.bibm
3speak: tariqul.bibm

I am an Engineer by Graduation,
Teacher by occupation
& Writer by passion.

        I believe, Life is beautiful!  
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