The Steadfast Flower

A flower stands firm, like a railing strong,
Trying to guide, where it belongs,
It won’t yield to the budding around,
In its image, it’s tightly bound.

It dreams of rain, not cold like snow,
But a shower of hibiscus, with petals that glow,
Hour by hour, it stays fresh and bright,
Bathed in the purest, softest light.

But in its heart, it knows too well,
That time may take what it can’t compel,
Its colours bloom with a vibrant hue,
Imposing calm, in every view.

Yet beneath the brightness, a secret lies,
A fragile weakness, hidden from eyes,
But the flower stands, it doesn’t cower,
Facing each challenge, hour by hour.

At last, it rises above the fray,
Overcoming what stands in its way,
The enemy fades, and the flower remains,
Victorious in its silent gains.
This is an AI-generated image

Through strength and grace, it prevails,
A proof to the heart that never fails,
A constant bloom, both strong and true,
In every storm, it finds its due.

And as the seasons change their course,
The flower stands with quiet force,
A symbol of fortitude clear,
That even in frailty, there’s nothing to fear.

Its petals may fall, its colours may fade,
But the legacy of its strength is made,
In every garden where flowers grow,
The steadfast bloom will always show.

For in its journey, a truth is found,
That even the weakest can astound,
By holding firm, and standing tall,
The smallest flower can conquer all.

This poem is made of nine stanzas with equal lines of four each. It has a rhythmic pattern of AABB in each of the lines. It is a poem that celebrates nature. It captures the beauty of the hibiscus flower and other natural flowers.

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