The Mersey's Lament (Poetry Film) - A Month of Daily Poems (Day 22)

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Liverpool Skyline 3.jpg

The Mersey's Lament is a psychedelic Stream Of Consciousness poetry video performance about the river Mersey and city of Liverpool.

I include a text version below for those who would like to read the poem as well 🙂

The river flows through this dirty old town,
brown with rotten leaves of yesterday's autumns.
Streets choked with automatic thoughts
and lithe injections of conditioned perceptions.
Days merge with tides, a carousel
of cheese grater lines of poisonous powder.

The river runs through day-glow days
of pill hazed limited-by-nothing delusions.
Runs a roller coaster ride,
mind fried in the lap of desires.
Mountain mist christened in its depths,
where the city's breath expires.

The river runs a mile, spiralling reflected skies
until the whole opens out into sunset,
in grass scented cacophony.
The river flows in burs of trees,
murmuring breeze and whispered memories.

I take flight in that mingling murmur
of the Mersey, forging a path in its wake
from momentary life to memories echoed mistakes.

The river runs calico with sediment,
dreaming of rumbling buses
and a concrete lament.


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