
Te buscaba pero no sabia que eras TU o donde te encontrabas.

siempre andaba un paso adelante de ti,
sin mirar a los lados y tu siempre al frente de mi.

sabia que te buscaba pero no miraba a los lados,
siempre te tenia en mis pensamientos, pero no TU imagen.

TU existencioa siempre me acompaña pero nunca la vi.

Ahora que te encontre, no solo encontre TU ser,
tambien encontre el canto de las aves en una plaza.

Encontre la lluvia que cae en tu cara,
encontre la belleza de la vida en un aleteo de una mariposa,
la encontre en el sonido de una nota musical.

Encontre mi vida no solo en tu sonrisa,
tambien la encontre en la belleza de tu mirada.

English Version

I was looking for you but I didn't know it was YOU or where you were.

I was always walking ahead without looking to the sides
and you were always watching.

I knew I was looking for you but I didn't look to the sides,
but I always had you in my thoughts but not YOUR image.

YOUR existence is always with me but I never saw it.

Now that I found you, I not only found YOUR being,
I also found the song of the birds in a square.

I found the rain falling on your face,
I found the beauty of life in the flutter of a butterfly,
I found it in the sound of a musical note.

I found my life not only in your smile,
I found it in the beauty of your gaze.

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Imagen Generada con IA DALL•E 3

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