Pretty Girls

Mayur Deshpande

Pretty girls have small eyes and big eyes
and pretty girls have four eyes.
Pretty girls have strawberry legs
and pretty girls have hair on their legs.
Pretty girls are freckled
and are sometimes spot-speckled.
Pretty girls have pudgy toes
and pretty foreheads that take on life’s awful shows.
Pretty girls are melanin popping,
Sweet like chocolate topping.
But more important than this pretty outside
Is that pretty girls are pretty inside.
And in the midst of life’s tumbles and swirls,
All these girls sometimes forget that they are pretty girls.

Two days ago, I typed a couple of lines and words in my phone’s Notes. I’m surprised at how I was able to complete it just this morning in a really short while.

While I wrote it, I could only think of beauty. What comes to your mind as you read the poem? What do you think of all the words put together? Let me know in the comment section.

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