"The Fragility of Life"

Img from unsplash.com by Kat J

The Fragility of Life

In the blink of an eye, it can all be gone,
Life's fragile existence, a mere song.
We walk on this earth, so sure and so strong,
But we're only here for a moment, and then we're gone.

We hold onto dreams, we hold onto love,
We cherish moments, as gifts from above.
But time moves on, and so must we,
Leaving behind memories, as we journey free.

Life is a journey, with ups and with downs,
A rollercoaster ride, with twists and with rounds.
We laugh, we cry, we experience it all,
And then comes the moment, when we take the final fall.

The fragility of life, a reminder to us all,
To cherish each moment, to stand up tall.
To be kind, to be true, to love with all our might,
And to leave this world, with no regrets in sight.

So let us live life, with passion and with grace,
Embrace every moment, and let our hearts race.
For in the end, it's not about how long we survive,
But about how we lived, and how we thrived.

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