Sometimes You Miss It.

There were times when you had no worries
You sit down on your porch and tell sweet stories
Adding spice to the story as you spice food up with the curries
You just want to make it juicy like most people's favourite berries
It's a rollercoaster ride to the past like you are riding the ferries
A mix of emotions too as you can't tell which is the sweetest cherries
Our memories serve us well when we compare then to now
We want to have everything going the way they were
Sometimes we wish we can put a stop to age, time and moments
So we can enjoy them for as long as we can, on repeat
The times we were free and had everything going so well
The times we just lived without bothering about what's to come next
The time we got all the attention with our phones blowing up with texts
Sometimes we miss it - we miss those moments as reality sets in
Responsibilities piling up with so much still left to be done
Viola! You just want to throw that magic wand and go back in time
Maybe it would make us do things better and appreciate that moment more
There are so many things to learn in retrospect
As we grow older we just want results so we can earn the respect
Back then, it was just about living, enjoying and being free
How times have changed with age and you can't help but miss it


Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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